Couple talk

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"Mum, please we won't do anything". Jimin says sighing. "And that's the problem!". Jin yells. "I want my grand babies before I turn old... I mean I will still be beautiful, but your father...". "What about me?". Namjoon said. "Hi boo!". Jin kissed Namjoon on his cheek. "What wer...". "Sweetie please, we have to go". Jin pulls Namjoon out the kitchen.

"Bye!". Jimin waves at his parents. "No funny shit in my house Jimin!". Namjoon shouts. "Ok!". Jimin says closing the door and feeling a pair of arms go around his waist. "Finally". Jimin giggled when Yoongi kissed his neck. "Your lucky Dylan lives with Hoseok now". Jimin said. "So much nonsense". Yoongi groaned kissing Jimin's neck again.

"Whatever". Jimin turned around to kiss Yoongi. "Mmm... Another". Yoongi said. "No". Jimin said. "Why?". Yoongi whined. "Cause it leads to things". Jimin replied. "Good things". Yoongi nibbled on Jimin's neck. "Ah". Jimin shivered. "See... Good things". Yoongi chuckled. "Shut up". Jimin pouted.

"Alright, alright, but come". Yoongi pulls Jimin into the living room.

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Yoongi sits Jimin down and looks at him. "What is it?". Jimin asked. "Jimin, I want to be your caregiver". Yoongi says surprising Jimin. "Yo-you what". Jimin blinked. "You heard me clearly love". Yoongi said. "I-I... Umm...". Jimin scratched his head. "Do you not want me to be?". Yoongi asked and Jimin shook his head.

"That's not it... Its just that its a lot of work". Jimin said. "I can do it". Yoongi said strongly. "Yoongi". Jimin said. "I can do it Jimin, so please". Yoongi stares at him. Jimin stared at Yoongi for a while before sighing. "Ok... Mmm!". Yoongi kissed Jimin. "Thank you Jimin!". Yoongi says happily. "Your welcome". Jimin giggles and the door bell rings.

"I'll get it". Jimin says, but Yoongi attached his self to him. "Yoongi... Let me go". Jimin said and Yoongi huffed. Jimin had to hit Yoongi in his neck to get the door. "Such a baby". Jimin laughed and opened the door just to freeze.

 Jimin laughed and opened the door just to freeze

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A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now