A clingy little

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Jimin was sleeping til he felt someone hugging him. "Jim Jim". Jimin felt someone tap his cheek and he opens his eyes. "Hi!". Lanie says and Jimin jumps out of bed. "Goodness! You scared me!". Jimin held his chest. "Me sawwy". Lanie played with his fingers. "Its ok bud, now how about you take a bath so we can eat".

 "Its ok bud, now how about you take a bath so we can eat"

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"Lanie, please... I can't cook if your hugging me like this". Jimin said. "I wanna play!". Lanie said. "In a minute, we need to get some food in your tummy". Jimin said. "I wanna play!". Lanie puffed out his cheeks. "Lanie". Jimin said and saw the little flinched and cover his face.

'Did they hit on him?'. Jimin gave Lanie a hug. "I won't hurt you Lanie, so please don't be scared". Jimin whispered in Lanie's ear. "Yo-you won't?". Lanie sniffed. "I won't, I promise". Jimin said. "K!". Lanie giggled and attacked his self to Jimin again.

Jimin just shook his head not wanting to argue with the little. "Jimin!". Jimin blushed hearing Hoseok voice. "In the kitchen Hyung!". Jimin yells and sees Hoseok come in with a bunch of bags. "What's all that?". Jimin asked sitting the little in a chair. "Its things for Lanie". Hoseok said. "Me?". Lanie points to his self.

"Yes, you". Hoseok pinched Lanie's cheek and the little giggles. "I got you toys, clothes, pacifiers and a sippy cups". Hoseok said. "Yeah!". Lanie claps his hands. "Can I have binkie?". Lanie asked. "Ok but I have to clean it". Jimin digs in a big and gets a blue pacifier. "I like bluie". Lanie giggles.

"So do I". Jimin said washing off the pacifier. When Jimin was going to give Lanie his paci, he trips and Hoseok caught him. "I didn't know you were clumsy". Hoseok chuckled and Jimin's face went red. Lanie looks at Jimin laughing. "Th-thank you". Jimin says. "Your welcome". Hoseok lets him go.

"I'll be back with the rest of the things". Hoseok says and walks out. "Jim Jim". Jimin looks at Lanie. "Yes bud?". Jimin said.

"You like Hobie! You like Hobie!".

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now