Strange helper

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Jimin was in the boys bathroom crying his eyes out. Jimin was never that mean to anyone but that Yoongi guy was getting on his nerves. "I... I need to call Hoseok". Jimin can feel his self slipping into little space. "Hey Jim...". "Please come get me, I'm slipping". Jimin cuts Hoseok off.

"I'm coming Jimin, stay where you are". Jimin hangs up and tries to stop crying but he can't and he slips into little space. "Humseok?". The little calls out and looks around him. "Where is Minie?". The little leaves the bathroom and roams the halls.

 The little leaves the bathroom and roams the halls

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"Oh! Minie's in school!". Minie claps. "Let's find fwiends!". Minie giggles and wobbles in the halls.

"Th-this isn't Minie's school". Minie says feeling tired after walking down the long hall. "Minie tired". Minie rubs his eyes and yawned. "Hey". Minie turns around and fear hit him.

 Minie turns around and fear hit him

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"Sc-scary man". Minie says covers his ears. Yoongi looked at the little confused. "Umm... Can...". "Humseok! Scary man is here!". Minie yells shaking. "I...". Yoongi tried to get close to Minie but Minie falls to the floor and moves away from him. "G-go away! Leave Minie alone!". Minie yells crying.

Yoongi wanted people to be scared of him but seeing the little acting like this made him feel like a asshole. "Hey... I'm sorry ok, I just want to help". Yoongi said calmly and tried to help the little up but Minie moves away. "No! Le-leave Minie alone!". Minie curls up in a ball shaking up a storm. Yoongi felt like shit and he actually hated it.

"Where's Humseok? Minie wants Humseok". Minie says. 'He means Hoseok?'. Yoongi wonders. "Um, he might be outside". Yoongi said. "Outside?". Minie wipes his face. "Yeah, I c...". "Minie will go by me self". Minie says getting up. "Mama's going to be upset with me". Minie says looking at the dirt on his clothes.

Yoongi smiled then cleared his throat. "Come...". "Don't touch me!". Minie yells and Yoongi backs away. "I was just trying to help you". Yoongi said. "Minie doesn't you to catch Minie's sickness". Minie said and Yoongi looks away. "I didn't me...". Yoongi stops hearing running. "Minie!". Yoongi chases after the little.

Minie ran to get away and he bumps into someone. "Easy Jimin, I'm not going anywhere". Minie looks up and sees a guy smiling at him. "Minie doesn't know you". Minie said. "Minie? What is... Your a little?". Jaebum said. "Yup!". Minie giggles. "How precious". Jaebum says grabbing Minie by his arm.

"Off!". Minie shouts. "Never met a little before". Jaebum said. "Off Minie!". Minie yells and saw something hit Jaebum in his face. "What is you...". Yoongi pulls out his gun and shot Jaebum in his shoulder. "Ahhh!". Jaebum held his shoulder in tears. "I know plenty of people told you already but let ME tell you".

Yoongi grabs Jaebum's neck and shoves the gun in his mouth. "Go near him and I will fuck you up then kill you, do I make myself clear?". Yoongi asked darkly. Jaebum nods and Yoongi lets him go. "Be on you way". Yoongi shoos Jaebum away and he runs. "Scary man... Helped Minie?". Minie said and Yoongi looks at him.

"I did". Yoongi said. "Minie, I'm so sorry I hurt your feelings but I won't hurt you or anything like that". Yoongi said and Minie stares at him. "So... Minie isn't sickness?". Minie asked and Yoongi shook his head. "No... Its me". Yoongi replies and Minie covers his face. "Minie doesn't want to get sick! Move". Minie said and Yoongi laughed.

"Cute". Yoongi says and covers his mouth. "Of course Minie is chu". Minie smiled and Yoongi sighs. "Let's go see if Hos...". "Humseok". Minie corrects. "Right... Lets see if Humseok is outside". Yoongi says and walks but heard Minie whine. "What's the matter?". Yoongi asked. "Minie's legs hurt". Minie says making grabby hands.

"I'm not in ANY shape to carry you". Yoongi said. "Plwease!". Minie pouts and Yoongi gave up instantly. "Ok". Yoongi said. "Yeah!". Minie wobbled over to Yoongi and Yoongi picks him up bridal style. "Your light... A little too light". Yoongi said. "How much do you eat?". Yoongi asked. "Sometimes Minie doesn't feel like eating". Minie says snuggling up to Yoongi's chest.

"Mi-Minie". Yoongi stutters. "Sleepy". Minie yawned. Yoongi smiled down at him and kissed his head. "Night". Yoongi said and Minie was fast asleep.

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Yoongi walked outside and saw a yellow car speeding in the campus and Hoseok jumped out. "Yoongi". Hoseok said and saw Minie in his arms. "I'll take him now". Hoseok said and Yoongi backed away from him. "Yoongi... Give him to me". Hoseok hissed. "Hoseok, I'm sorry". Yoongi said. "You own him a apology, not me now give him here".

Yoongi looks down at Minie in sadness and hands him to Hoseok. "Hos...". "Bye Yoongi". Hoseok walked away.


A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now