Littles being littles

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"I-I want the ballie". Teddy says looking at Rennie. "Here you go". Rennie passed Teddy the ball. "Tank you". Teddy smiled. "I wanna play catch". Rowsie said. "Hot tata!". The littles yells and sat in a circle. "Teddy, are you ready?". Rowsie asked. "Yup!". Teddy says and rolled the ball to Minie. "Hot ballie!". Minie says rolling it to Rowsie.

"Me a girl". Rowie rolls the ball to Rennie. "Me pretty". Rennie says rolling it back to Rowsie. "No!". Rowise rolls it to Teddy who blocked it by using his stuffy. "Gud job Mr. Rawh!". Teddy cheered. "Teddy". Minie pouts and the littles laughed. "Hello cuties". Jin says walking in the room.

"Mama!". Minie runs to his mom. "Hi baby". Jin kissed Minie on his cheek. "I came to get you all cause lunch is ready". Jin said. "Otay!". Minie said and looks at his friends. "We need to washy our hands". Minie said. "Aye aye Minie!". The littles saluted Minie and ran to the bathroom.

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Jin sat all the littles down and put bibs on them. "Mama, Dada isn't here". Minie said. "He went to go get Saya from school". Jin replied. "Big sister!". Minie cheers and Jin laughed. "Yes, he went to go get your big sister". Jin said. "Now for lunch". Jin placed bento boxes in front of the littles and helps them open them.

 Jin placed bento boxes in front of the littles and helps them open them

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"Thank you mama". Minie said. "Tank you Mistie Kim!". The other littles said. "Your welcome cuties". Jin said. "And make sure you all eat slowly, I don't want no tummy aches". Jin scolded. "Otay". The littles says and they started eating but Jin started feeding Minie.

"Mama, I can eat by meself". Minie said. "I don't care". Jin huffed. "Now, open up". Jin said and Minie opened his mouth. "Good baby". Jin said. "Mama after this, can we play hide and seek?". Minie asked. "Ok". Jin says wiping Minie's mouth. "I wanna play!". Saya yells walking in the kitchen. "Go wash your hands". Jin ordered.

"Aww man". Saya sighs and walked our the kitchen. "Your so mean". Namjoon chuckled. "Hi Dada!". Minie said. "Hey bud". Namjoon went to hug Minie but Jin smacked his hand away. "Go wash your hands". Jin barked. "Bu...". "Don't touch my baby without washing your hands, now get out my kitchen". Jin said. "Alright".

"Are you all ready?". Jin asked. "Yes!". The littles said. "I'm going to count and Namjoon, Saya and I will found y'all". Jin said. "I'm the bestiest hider". Rennie puffed out his chest. "No, I am". Rowsie said. "Nope, its me". Teddy said. 'They haven't played hide and seek with Minie I see'. Saya giggled at herself.

"Ok, I'll count now". Jin didn't fully turned around when the littles all ran away. "They all cheated". Namjoon said. "You know this is a big house right? how are we going to find them?". Saya asked and she saw her parents freeze.


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