Let me show you

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Jimin moved away from Yoongi. "Yo-you kissed me". Jimin gasped. "I know". Yoongi chuckled. "Wh-why di-did yo...". "I love you Jimin". Yoongi said. Jimin stopped moving, breathing and blinking. "That's why I was trying so hard to make you forgive me, I love you". Yoongi said.

"How?". Jimin asked. "How can you possibly love me? It makes no sense". Jimin said. Yoongi let out a small laugh and leans into Jimin's ear. "I'll show you". Yoongi whispered and started kissing Jimin's neck. "Mmm". Jimin covered his mouth, surprised by the sound he made.

"Don't". Yoongi moves Jimin's hand away. "I want to hear you". Yoongi says and kissed Jimin again. "Mmm!". Jimin didn't know why he let Yoongi kiss him again, but he was slowly starting to like it. Yoongi sensed this, and picks Jimin up and lays him on the bed. "Yoon...". "Shh... I got you".

Mild hot(smut)

Yoongi takes off Jimin's shirt just to kiss down his chest. "Ah". Jimin puts his head back. "Wa-wait". Jimin said. "Sorry but no". Yoongi says and takes off Jimin's pants. "Yoon... Ah!". Jimin screamed when Yoongi stokes his member. "Ngh... Mmm". Jimin grabs the sheets panting. "You should see yourself right now, you look gorgeous".

"You bas... AHHH". Jimin screamed when Yoongi pumps him faster. "Ah! Yoon! Ah!". Jimin arched his back cause he was about to cum but Yoongi lets him go. Yoongi flips Jimin on his stomach and uses his finger to glide all around Jimin's ass. Jimin shivered and Yoongi smirked. "This might hurt, but for me... It'll be fun". Yoongi said.

Yoongi takes off his clothes his clothes and quietly puts on a condom. "Yoongi, I'm sc...". "Don't be scared, I'll be gentle... For a few minutes". Yoongi says and puts two fingers inside Jimin. Jimin lets out a small scream and Yoongi rubs his back. "Relax baby, it will feel good, trust me". Yoongi kissed Jimin's back and moves his fingers slowly.

"Mmm". Jimin bit his lip. Yoongi took this chance and use his other hand to add two more fingers. "Shit!". Jimin yelled.  Yoongi snickered and moved his fingers quickly. "AHHH!". Jimin shouts. Yoongi grins while stretching Jimin out. "Yoongi!". Jimin yells. "Yes?". Yoongi chuckled. "I...". Jimin stops. "You?". Yoongi said. "Please".

Yoongi removes his fingers and turns Jimin back on his back. "Please what?". Yoongi asked. "Just do it already". Jimin replies with his eyes closed. Yoongi bit Jimin on his neck and Jimin whined. "Look at me and ask again". Yoongi growled. Jimin weakly opens his eyes and looks at Yoongi with a red face.

"Please me". Jimin says embarrassed and Yoongi looks at him shocked not expecting that. "Well... If that's what you want". Yoongi smirks and slowly enters Jimin which made him screamed. Jimin was tearing up feeling pain shot throw his body. Yoongi kissed Jimin on his cheek and wipes his tears away.

"There, there, it'll feel good soon". Yoongi said. Jimin nods slowly. "Good, now... Let me hear you".

Cringe zone (smut)

Yoongi moves slow for Jimin... For exactly thirty seconds til he couldn't control his self and goes rougher. "AH! YOONGI!". Jimin loudly shouts and all Yoongi was go harder. Jimin was screaming his head off and Yoongi was looking down at him feeling proud. "Sorry". Yoongi says slowing down his pace.

"N-no... Please go faster, please". Jimin begs. Yoongi bit his lip and obeyed. "MMM! MMM!". Jimin pulled Yoongi closer to him. "Fuck". Yoongi groans picking his pace. "Ah! Ah! There! Yoongi!". Jimin yells scratching down Yoongi's back. "YOONGI! I....". Jimin came before he can finish his sentence. "Sorry Jimin, but I'm not there yet".

Yoongi continues his quick fast assault and Jimin was whining. "Doesn't it feel good?". Yoongi whispers and nibbles on Jimin's ear. All Jimin could do was nod. "Good... Now touch yourself". Yoongi ordered and Jimin didn't hesitate. Jimin was shaking and panting wildly feeling pleasure hit every inch of his body.

"Yoon". That was all Jimin could say. Yoongi grabs Jimin's waist and slams in him. "AH! AH! AH!". Jimin screams holding onto the sheets. "Shit! Shit". Yoongi grunts feeling close. "Ah!". They both came at the same time and Yoongi collapsed by Jimin. "Jimin?". Yoongi calls out, but heard little breathes.

Yoongi saw Jimin sleeping and he chuckled. "Sorry love". Yoongi kissed Jimin on his head and covers him up. Yoongi looks at Jimin again and whispered in his ear. "I'll prove to you that I love you...".

"Just let me show you".

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now