Daddies & littles

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"Hide and seek?"

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"Hide and seek?". Yoongi says and Minie nodded. "We like that game". Lanie said. "Can I play too?". Rennie said. "Yup!". Minie smiled. "Yes!". Rennie cheered. "I don't mind". Yoongi said. "That's cause daddy is cool!". Minie hugged Yoongi. "My daddy is coolier!". Taehyung pouted.

"Mines is nice and bright!". Lanie giggled. "My daddy strong". Rowsie squeezed Shownu's arm. "Daddy big". Rennie said and everyone looked at him. "My daddy bigger". Minie puffed out his cheeks. "Alright! Hide and seek!". Hoseok clapped his hands. "Right!". Minie beamed. "So... Who's counting?". Jungkook asked and all the littles pointed at their daddies.

"So us... Got it". Jungkook chuckled. "How long do we count for?". Shownu asked and the littles looked at him. "Circlie!". Minie says and the littles huddled up. "Twentie". Minie said. "We can count up to sixty daddy!". Rennie said. "But we don't have panties, so we picked twentie". Teddy said.

"It-its patience baby". Jungkook said. "Oh... What I say?". Teddy asked. "Nothing... We'll start counting". Jungkook patted Teddy on his head. "Otay!". The littles said. The moment the men turned around, the littles jetted. "W-we didn't start yet". Giu blinked. "START COUNTING!". They heard Rowsie screamed and they started counting.

Every little was found expect for Minie. "Minie is champ at hiding". Rowsie said. "Damn it". Yoongi groaned. "Minie! Where are you!". Yoongi yells. "That's not you play". Lanie said. "Come Lanie! Let's find Minie first and get ice cream as prize!". Rennie says. "Icy cream!". Lanie claps and runs away.

"I didn't agree to that!". Hoseok chased after his little. "I want iced cream too!". Rowsie said running after Lanie. "Rowsie no!". Shownu yelled chasing here. "Teddy's a good boy, right daddy?". Teddy said. "Yes you are". Jungkook smiled. "See! Teddy will get ice cream for being a good boy!". Teddy giggled.

Yoongi was to busy looking for Minie cause he was scared of Jin. "Minie! Baby! Please come out! I'm scared of your mum!". Yoongi yelled then hears giggling. "Minie? Is that you?". Yoongi says. "Boo!". Yoongi jumps and Rennie started laughing. "Your face!". Rennie giggled. "Please don't tell daddy". Rennie begged.

Yoongi looked everywhere and sighs. "Jin us going to kill me". Yoongi rubs his hair not knowing Minie was staring right at him. "Daddy's funny". Minie giggled quietly. "Minie might be in the potty". Rowsie said. "You might be right". Yoongi walked off and Rowsie went to a toy box and opened it. "Rowsie found you". Rowsie smiled.

"Aww". Minie pouts getting out the toy box. "Hehe". Rowsie giggled. "I wanted daddy to find me". Minie crossed his arms. "Well I did and I'm getting iced cream". Rowsie said. "Minie want ice cream!". Minie claps. "Come Minie". Rowsie smiled walking off and Minie followed her, but his hand hits a the top of the toy box and it made a scratch on his hand.

"Ouchie". Minie says and Rowsie looks at him. "Minie, you ok?". Rowsie asked. "I-I got a boo boo". Minie says sniffing and Rowsie gasped. "Daddy! Minie has a boo boo!". Rowsie yells running off and Yoongi came before she can go far. "Where does it hurt baby?". Yoongi asked and Minie held out his hand. "Hurt daddy". Minie sniffs.

Yoongi takes Minie's hand and kissed it. "Better?". Yoongi said and Minie nods. "Please be careful ok?". Yoongi said and Minie nodded again. "Good". Yoongi hugged Minie and he giggled. "Tank you daddy". Minie said. "Your welcome cutie". Yoongi says and sees everyone looking at him. "What?". Yoongi said.

"Jin is going to kill you".

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