Nighttime loving

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"Why is there a room in he... Oof". Jimin was thrown onto the bed. "Clothes off now". Yoongi ordered. "Uh... Umm". Jimin stuttered and Yoongi got closer to him. "Does my baby boy need help?". Yoongi smirked. "N-no, I-I got it". Jimin moved away, but Yoongi stopped him.

"All you had to do was ask". Yoongi bit his lip. "I don't... Hey!". Jimin yelped when Yoongi pushed him down on the bed. "Yoo... Mmm". Jimin moaned when Yoongi attacked his neck. "Ah". Yoongi smirked while taking off Jimin's clothes. "Yoongi". Jimin pants. "I want moans Jimin". Yoongi said.

Mild smut

"Yoo... Ngh!". Jimin yelled feeling Yoongi's fingers enter him. "Ah! I wasn't ready! Ugh!". Jimin whimpered. "That's your problem". Yoongi says moving his fingers in a quick pace. "Ah! Mmm! Yoon!". Jimin arched his back. "Such a good boy". Yoongi said and starts stroking Jimin's member.

Jimin was panting and moaning the whole time. "Yoongi... I-I want it". Jimin begs. "What do you want?". Yoongi asked while stroking Jimin faster. "You! I want you! Ah!". Jimin yells. "Do you really want me?". Yoongi whispered in Jimin's ear. "Yes!". Jimin replied and Yoongi stopped everything.

"On your stomach, ass up". Yoongi ordered. "Yes daddy". Jimin says and did what he was told. Yoongi put on a condom and went to work.

Cringe zone (smut)

Yoongi roughly enters Jimin moving in a quick pace. "AH! AH!". Jimin shouted biting the pillow. "Daddy!". Jimin yells making Yoongi smirk. "Who else will be your daddy?". Yoongi said with a cocky smile. Jimin just moaned and Yoongi raised his brow. Yoongi grabs Jimin's hair and he hissed. "I asked you a question, so answer me".

"N-no one". Jimin pants. "Good boy". Yoongi grins, placed his hands on Jimin's waist and shoves the rest of his self in Jimin. "MMM!!!". Jimin came instantly. "Aww... That's adorable". Yoongi laughed slamming in a out of Jimin. Jimin couldn't say anything, all he felt was pleasure.

"Fuck you for feeling good". Yoongi groaned. Jimin was just grabbing the pillow and sheets for dear life withe drool slowly going down his chin. "Shit!". Yoongi picked up his pace feeling close. "Mmm". Jimin whined. "Ah". Both Jimin and Yoongi came and Yoongi pulls out leaving Jimin to whimper feeling empty.

"Sorry". Yoongi said, but Jimin didn't hear anything cause he was already sleeping. "Cute". Yoongi kissed Jimin on his cheek and covered him up.

"Night love".

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now