Jimin's crush?

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"This is the fucking eighth store I've been to and there's nothing that scream 'wear me Jimin'

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"This is the fucking eighth store I've been to and there's nothing that scream 'wear me Jimin'. Jimin sighs deeply and rubs his head. "I just want some good clothes, why is that so hard!". Jimin yelled. Jimin leaves the store and bumps into someone. "I'm so...".

"Oh its you again"

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"Oh its you again". Jimin looks at the man confused. "Wh...". Jimin paused remembering the man. "Your Hoseok!". Jimin says excited then covers his mouth and Hoseok chuckled at him. "And your name is?". Hoseok asked. "I-I I'm Jimin". Jimin didn't know why he stuttered. "Cute".

Jimin blushed and he looked away. 'The fuck is wrong with me?'. Jimin thought. "I didn't mean to bother you while you were shopping". Hoseok said. "Shopping". Jimin scoffed. "There's nothing in here to shop for". Jimin said. "Oh... Well in that case, wanna join me for lunch?". Hoseok asked.

Jimin's whole body froze and he was just staring at Hoseok. "I was only coming in here for a suit but I think it can wait". Hoseok chuckled. "I mean... I don't want to bother you". Jimin starts rubbing his arm. "I would never think your a bother Jimin". Hoseok smiled.

Jimin looked all the way down so he can blush. "Su-sure". Jimin says in a quiet voice. "Great!". Hoseok cheered. "Let's go, my shop is reserved". Hoseok said. "Re-reserved?". Jimin says. "Yeah, I own a restaurant". Hoseok said. 'Mum would be proud'. Jimin smiled to his self. "Let's go".

 "Let's go"

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"Woah". Jimin looks around impressed. "I know". Hoseok chuckled and pulled out a chair for Jimin. "Th-thank you". Jimin blushed and sat down. "Order what ever you want". Hoseok said and a waiter appeared. "What yo...". "I would like a steak well done, cold noddles, a small pork bowl and some soju".

Hoseok looked at Jimin and chuckled. "What?". Jimin said. "Nothing". Hoseok replied. "Sir?". The waiter said. "The regular for me Youngwoo". Hoseok says handing the menu to him. "Of course sir". The waiter bows and leaves. "You know his name". Jimin said. "I know the names of all my employees". Hoseok says.

Jimin smiled at Hoseok. "That's sweet". Jimin says then coughs. "I mean...". Hoseok laughs cuts Jimin off. "So I know your a student". Hoseok says and Jimin nods. "I'm a dance student at East Seoul university". Jimin said. "Really?!?". Hoseok says happily. "I was also a dance student there".

"You dance?". Jimin tilted his head. "You sound shocked". Hoseok laughed. "You look like a rapper more then a dancer". Jimin said. "I do... Wait they teach rap there?". Hoseok asked and Jimin nodded. "Where the fuck was that when I went there". Hoseok growled and Jimin laughed.

"You don't dance anymore?". Jimin asked. "I do when I have time but my business needs me 24/7 so...". Hoseok shrugs. "I want to see you dance". Jimin blurts out and covered his mouth. "You do?". Hoseok says and Jimin puts his head down. "I can visit the school tomorrow if your going to be there". Hoseok said.

"Ok!". Jimin cheered. "Then its settled". Hoseok smiled and Jimin had a heartattack. 'Shit shit shit'. Jimin took a deep breath. "Wait, what do you do?". Jimin asked. "I own little clothing stores". Hoseok replied. Jimin smiled shyly. "That's cute". Jimin said. "I will definitely visit". Jimin said. "Counting on it".

"You live here!?!"

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"You live here!?!". Jimin laughed seeing Hoseok mouth opened. "You don't have a house like this?". Jimin asked. "Jimin, if I had a house like this, I wouldn't be in Korea". Hoseok said and Jimin laughed. "Baby!!!". Jimin was backhugged. "Hi mum". Jimin sighs. "Hi Prince". Jin kissed Jimin on his head.

"Mum please, I have a guest". Jimin said embarrassed. "Who?". Jin said. "Ho...". Jimin looks around but Hoseok was gone. "See you later Jimin!". Hoseok yells from his car and drives off.


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