Mum gets answers

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Jin and Namjoon looks at each other then looks at Minie. "He's on a business trip". Namjoon lied and Jin glared at him. "Really?". Minie says and Namjoon nodded at him. "He'll be back ok?". Namjoon boops Minie's nose and he giggled. "Otay". Minie smiled. "Good, now go play, snack time is coming". Namjoon said.

"Yay! And Minie got fruit sushi for snackie!". Minie kissed his parents on their cheeks and went to play. Jin took this chance to smack his husband in the back on his head. "Oww". Namjoon rubbed his head. "What I do?". Namjoon said. "You lied to him, that's what you did". Jin said.

"What was I supposed to say? We don't know where Yoongi is". Namjoon said and Jin nods his head. "Your right". Jin said. "So why did you hi...". "You don't know where he is, but I will fucking out". Jin gets his coat and bag. "Watch my son, I have bitch to find". Jin walked out. "He's my son too!". Namjoon yells.

 Namjoon yells

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Jin was in his limo with his eyes closed tapping his foot in the ground. That wasn't the first time Minie asked for Yoongi. Jin doesn't know what where Yoongi or Hoseok went, but he was going to find out. "Making my baby worry... I'm cutting his dick off". Jin scolded. "Please hurry up, I have anger I can't hold in anymore". Jin said. "Yes sir".

 "Yes sir"

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Jin walked straight into Yoongi's office and sat right in his chair. Jin didn't have to wait long before the door was opened. "M- Mr. Kim". Yoongi bowed. "Sit your ass down". Jin ordered and Yoongi plopped in a chair. Jin leaned in the chair waiting for Hoseok since he called him.

"Yoongi! Don't you die o...". Hoseok's eyes met Jin's and he shuttered. "Nevermind, you'll be...". "Sit". Jin growled and Hoseok sat right next to Yoongi. "Jumping to the point". Jin swirls his glass of wine around. "What did you two do to Jimin?". Jin asked staring at them. "Wh...".

"Jimin came home one day and told me to never let y'all come to the house ever again, so what did you two do to my son?". Jin said feeling his anger boil up again. "Jimin misunderstood something". Yoongi says and hits Hoseok. "Stop hitting me! I said I was sorry!". Hoseok whined.

"What the fuck did you do to my fucking son Hoseok?". Jin was a ticking time bomb. "Uh...". "Before he says anything... I had NOTHING to do with it". Yoongi said. "Now speak". Yoongi grinned at Hoseok. "Fucker". Hoseok glared at Yoongi and sighed. "I... Umm... Wanted to help Yoongi talk to Jimin cause he's in love with him". Hoseok said.

Jin turned to Yoongi. "Your in love with my son?". Jin asked, but Yoongi was already choking Hoseok out. "I don't need you and Dylan won't miss you". Yoongi smirked. "He likes cats". Yoongi turned to Jin. "What?". Yoongi blinked. "Jimin... He likes cats and the color light blue". Jin said.

"He likes sweet things and mochi... That's all the little bastard wanted when I was pregnant with him... Well that and caramel macchiatos". Jin giggled. "Wh-why are you telling me all this?". Yoongi asked. "Cause that day Jimin came home, he cried". Jin said. "H-he cried". Yoongi says. "I-I didn't...". Yoongi stutters.

"Yoongi, I'll be honest with you... I think my son likes you but is trying not to show it". Jin said. "Huh?". Yoongi looks at him. "Jimin LOVES putting others before him and now that he's getting attention from you, he's not used to that". Jin said. "But the guys at his school...". "Only like him cause he's gorgeous, you like him cause...".

"He's him". Yoongi replied. "He's sassy and cute, hardworking, dedicated to his friends and family, has a beautiful eye smile and... Just by thinking about him makes my heart feel happy". Yoongi said. Jin just smiled at Yoongi and got up from the chair. "So why aren't you fighting for him?". Jin asked. "Fighting?". Yoongi tilted his head.

"Your biggest competitor is Jimin, you have to fight Jimin to let him listen to you". Jin said. "He's stubborned and he got that from me". Jin chuckled. "You want my son, then get him". Jin waves and leaves. "I...". Yoongi smiles warmly. "Thank you". Yoongi says and hears wheezing. "Oh god!". Yoongi lets go off Hoseok neck. "I'm SO sorry!". Yoongi said.

"Kiss my ass Yoongi!". Hoseok yells stomping out the office.

"I said sorry!".

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now