Another little friend

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Jimin was pissed the whole way home. He never met someone that think that littles were illnesses. "I should have kicked his ass". Jimin says angrily feeling tears come down his face. "We are not a illness". Jimin says sniffing. "We are people too". Jimin couldn't take it anymore, so he broke down.

Jimin was crying on a bench trying to stop but he couldn't. Jimin never felt so sad in his life. Not because he was a little but because that man knew nothing about littles. Jimin needed to stop crying because he can slip into little space and that wouldn't be good. "Hereie". Jimin heard a little's voice and looks up.

 Jimin heard a little's voice and looks up

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  (Dylan's little name is Lanie)

Jimin smiles and takes the tissue the little was giving him. "Thank you". Jimin said. "You welcome!". The little smiled. Jimin wipes his face and looks around because a little shouldn't be alone. "Where are your parents or caregiver little one?". Jimin asked and saw the little puts his head down. "Lanie doesn't have them".

"What?". Jimin says stunned. "Your alone?". Jimin said and the little nodded. "Oh my god". Jimin gasped. "Yo-you need to come with me". Jimin said. "No!". The little shouts. "Lanie will be a bother". The little says sadly. Jimin felt angry all over again. "Did your parents and caregiver call you that?". Jimin asked and the little nods.

"People like that makes me fucking sick". Jimin hissed. "I'm Jimin, nice to meet you Lanie". Jimin said. "Ni-nice to meet chu". Lanie says playing with his sweater. "Come on Lanie, your staying with me". Jimin said. "Lanie can't". Lanie said. "I'm not leaving you by yourself, now come along". Jimin held out his hand.

The little looks at it and his stomach growls. "Lanie hungry". Lanie said. "Come, I'll make you something". Jimin said. "K".


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"Castle!". Lanie jumps and Jimin laughs at him. "Lanie stay in castle!". Lanie hugs Jimin and Jimin chuckled. "Come on Lanie, I'll give you a bath then you can eat". Jimin said. "OK!".

Hoseok walks in the house and sees someone that wasn't Jimin eating in the kitchen

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Hoseok walks in the house and sees someone that wasn't Jimin eating in the kitchen. "Oh? Hello". Hoseok greets and the little panics. "JIM JIM!". The little screams. "Woah!". Hoseok grabs his chest and Jimin ran into the kitchen. "Lanie! What's the matter!?!". Jimin yells and the little attached his self to Jimin pointing to Hoseok.

Jimin giggled and pats the little on his head. "Its ok, that's my friend Hoseok". Jimin said. "Jimin, who is this?". Hoseok asked. "This is Lanie, he's a little I met... H-he doesn't have a home". Jimin said and Hoseok looks at Lanie in sadness. "What type of dick would leave a little by his self?". Hoseok says angry.

"I know, so he's staying here". Jimin said. "Would your parents mind that?". Hoseok asked. "My parents will be happy that I'm doing this". Jimin said. "Hey Lanie, you wanna stay here with me?". Jimin asked. "I-is it k?". Lanie asked. "Yes its ok". Jimin replied. "K!". Lanie giggled. "I have the perfect room for you".

 "I have the perfect room for you"

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"Fishies!!!". Lanie cheers running in the room. "You like it?". Jimin asked. "Yes! Thankie you Jim Jim!". Lanie hugs Jimin. "Your welcome, now off to bed". Jimin said. "K". Lanie crawls into the bed and Jimin tugs him in. "Nightie". Lanie said. "Night Lanie". Jimin said and watched the little close his eyes.

"Jimin". Hoseok says and Jimin looks at him. "Don't you want to kill the people that left him?". Hoseok asked.

"Of course I do".

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now