Mirror fun 😏

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"Mmm". Jimin tried to lightly push Yoongi away, but that only made Yoongi kiss him deeper. "Mmm!". Jimin's eyes widened. Yoongi hands went straight to Jimin's ass to squeeze it. "Yoon...". "Come". Yoongi drags Jimin to the mirror and pushed him against it.

"Wh-what are you doing?". Jimin asked, but Yoongi was to busy taking off his pants. "Wai-wait!". Jimin yells, but his pants were already off and his face was on the mirror. "Yoo... AH!". Jimin screamed feeling Yoongi's fingers enter him.

Mild smut zone

"Mmm". Jimin moaned. "Hmm? Still tight? And I thought I loosed you up... Oh well". Yoongi snickered moving his fingers faster. "Ah! Yoongi!". Jimin shouts. "And now your tightening around them? Bad Jiminie". Yoongi says kissing Jimin's neck. "I... Mmm". Jimin bit his lip. "You?". Yoongi said. "I... AH!". Jimin screamed and that made Yoongi move his fingers faster.

"THERE YOONGI!". Jimin screams again and Yoongi removed his fingers. "He-hey... I was... NGH!". Jimin felt something wet enter him this time. "Yoon... Your... Mm". Jimin shakes. Yoongi starts stroking Jimin and shivers at the coldness of his hand. "Mm... Yoongi I...". Jimin says and Yoongi stops everything.

"Yo... Fucking teas... SHIT!". Yoongi put a dildo in Jimin and watched him squirm. "Yo-you ah! You dick!". Jimin yells shaking. "Ah!". Jimin says and thinks of something. "So good! Feels so good! Ah! Mm! I'm going to cum!". Jimin shouts and Yoongi pulled out the toy. "You thought that shit was funny?". Yoongi pulled Jimin hair. "I did". Jimin smirked.

"Mmm... So lets laugh together".

Cringe zone (smut)

Yoongi slammed his self in Jimin (wearing a condom of course) and didn't wait for Jimin adjust before moving. "Ah!". Jimin moaned loudly trying to keep his balance which ended when Yoongi lifted up on of his legs. "Oh, you're flexible? That's hot". Yoongi says and grabs Jimin's hair. "Ngh". Jimin looks at him. "Look".

Jimin looks at the mirror shamefully. He was sweating, red and moaning. Jimin also Yoongi moving in and out of him and that him shiver. "So cute". Yoongi chuckled moving faster. "AH! YES!". Jimin screams. "Mmm". Yoongi groans. "YOON!!!". Jimin came right on the mirror. "What a sight". Yoongi laughed and pushed Jimin's back to the mirror.

"Yoo... AHH". Yoongi reentered Jimin slamming his spot repeatedly. "Ah! Shh... Mmm!!!". Jimin was moaning in the crack of Yoongi's neck. His arms and legs were wrapped tightly around Yoongi's body. "More daddy please!". Jimin begs. Yoongi didn't have the time to think about what Jimin just said, he just wanted to please him.

"Of course baby". Yoongi says and roughly slams in and out of Jimin. "AHHH! THERE! NGH!". Jimin was shaking and slightly drooling. "Yoongi! Ah! Good!". Jimin pulled Yoongi closer to him. "Of course I am, better then that fucking toy". Yoongi bit Jimin's neck then sucked on it. Jimin came again and Yoongi was right behind him.

"Tired". Jimin said and closed his eyes. "No, no, no". Yoongi panicked but Jimin was already sleeping. "Oh shit...".

"That's my ass".

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now