The "date"

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"Beverley's, I'm impressed Yoongi"

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"Beverley's, I'm impressed Yoongi". Jin said. "Thank you". Yoongi smiled. "Mr. Min...". A man says and looks at Jin and Namjoon. "Mr. Kim's, what a honor". The man bows. "Who the fuck says Mr. Kim's?". Jin whispers and Jimin glared at him. "I will beat your ass little one and you know that". Jin said.

"I didn't know we were having company". The man says. "You and me both". Yoongi said. "But please follow me, your table is ready". The man said and they followed him to a table filled with food.

 The man said and they followed him to a table filled with food

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"Gimme". Jin says and Namjoon chuckled. "After you". Yoongi pulled out a chair for Jimin. "Thank you". Jimin smiled and sat down. "Strike one". Yoongi quickly turned to Jin. "What?". Yoongi said. "You were supposed to pull out my chair first". Jin huffed and Yoongi looked at Namjoon.

"Don't look at me". Namjoon snickered and pulled out Jin's chair. "Mum...". Jimin sighed. "I'm just joking". Jin giggled. "Please don't do any jokes". Jimin begged. "I won't... I will just poke your joke bone, get it? Joking? Poking and joke bone". Jin laughed. "Jimin, I will hit you if yo...". Namjoon was cut off by Jimin's laugh.

Yoongi looked at Jimin like he was crazy. "I-it wasn't funny and it made no sense, why are you laughing?". Yoongi asked. "None of his jokes are funny". Namjoon says taking some food. "I am hilarious!". Jin yells. "Sorry mum, but your not that funny... I don't know why I laughed". Jimin said. "You live with ME! So keep it up". Jin hissed.

"Well...". "No". Jin and Namjoon said together. "Tried". Yoongi shrugged. "Now... Its time for questions". Jin pulled out a notebook. "Damn it". Yoongi groans. "Got any siblings?". Jin asked. "A sister, she actually owns this restaurant". Yoongi replied. "Well I'm done". Jin shuts the notebook. "I'm shocked". Namjoon gasped then chuckled.

"Shut up". Jin playfully hits him. Jimin smiled at his parents. "You guys are adorable". Yoongi said. "Eww, I'm sickened... Thank you". Jin said. "So... Yoongi, you work for your grandfather correct?". Namjoon asked. "Meh, I help around". Yoongi said. "But helping is good especially since its a pharmaceutical company". Jin grins.

"Its boring". Yoongi says honestly. "So what do you want to do?". Namjoon asked and Yoongi froze. No one ever asked him that before. "I... Don't know". Yoongi replied. "You don't know?". Jin tilts his head. "He's lying". Jimin huffed and Yoongi looks at him. "He's a musician". Jimin said. "I...". "Oh! How pretty!". Jin claps.

"I admire that". Namjoon nodded. "Music is a big part of my life". Namjoon added. "Thank you, but I'm...". Yoongi stops to smirk. "That reminds me". Yoongi looks at Jimin. "I wrote you another song". Yoongi said. "Yo-you wrote him a song?". Jin gasped. "I did". Yoongi said. "Get married and have my grand babies". Jin says.

Both Jimin and Namjoon started choking. "Mum!". Jimin yells. "I said he can have a boyfriend, I ain't say shit about no damn kids". Namjoon growled. "I'm down". Yoongi said. "No one asked you". Jimin and Namjoon hissed. "Don't go insulting my son in law". Jin said. "Son in law!?!". Namjoon shouts.

"Now go play my baby that song". Jin ordered. "With pleasure". Yoongi bows and walks to the piano that was in the middle of the room. Yoongi looks at Jimin, winks at him, and starts playing.

While Jin and Namjoon were in awe, Jimin once again was crying his eyes out. 'I hate him'. Jimin sniffs. "Another beautiful piece fo... Mmm!". Yoongi was cut off by Jimin kissing him. "Excuse you young man!". Namjoon yells. "Aww!". Jin cooed. "We'll leave you two to enjoy the rest of the date". Jin said.

"Your joking right?". Namjoon said. "Have him home by ten". Jin said. "Its eleven at night". Yoongi replied. "I know". Jin winks. "I WISH YOU SHORT ASS WOULD!". Namjoon screamed. "Come along darling, I want to know if my Princess is still alive". Jin pulls Namjoon out the restaurant.

"I WILL SKIN YOU YOONGI! BRING HIM HOME BY MIDNIGHT! I KNOW YOU HEAR ME!". Yoongi and Jimin laughed. "Bout time". Jimin sighs in relief. "Let's finish... Eek!". Jimin was picked up by Yoongi. "Wa-wait! What are you doing!". Jimin shouted. "I'm not about to waste no time". Yoongi said walking up some stairs.

"Wh-where are we going?". Jimin asked. "Well my cute little Angel". Yoongi kissed Jimin's ear.

"No one stops at round two".

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now