The question

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Yoongi was outside of Jimin's school waiting for him to come out

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Yoongi was outside of Jimin's school waiting for him to come out. He also ignored all the hateful stares he got from all the boys. They know that Yoongi is Jimin's boyfriend and they fucking hate that. "You all can't do shit, but if y'all want to then please... Do something". Yoongi smirked. "Yoongi!!!".

Jimin came running up to Yoongi and hugged him. "Jimin, how many times do I have to tell you not to run? You can hurt yourself and the baby". Yoongi said. "Sorry". Jimin pouted. "Stop pouting". Yoongi kissed him on his head. "How you feeling love?". Yoongi asked.

"My fucking feet hurt, my ankles have been snapping all day, I have to pee, I'm sleepy, I'm hungry, and I want to kill everything... How are you?". Jimin smiled. "Uh... Fine". Yoongi nervously said. "Your so having a good day and I'm not... Ok". Jimin huffed. "No, no... I mean, I went to your house yesterday and your parents tried to kill me".

"Really?". Jimin said and Yoongi nodded. "Oh... Good". Jimin giggled. 'How is that good?'. Yoongi thought. "Anyway, your not that tired right cause... I want to take you somewhere". Yoongi said. "Do I get to sit and eat?". Jimin asked. "Yes you do". Yoongi replied. "Good, let's go". Jimin was already wobbling to Yoongi's car.

Yoongi was going to say something, but remember the last time he tried to stop Jimin and stuttered. 'Let him do what he wants'. Yoongi says following Jimin.

 Yoongi says following Jimin

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"Wow". Jimin gasped. "Lets get you seated". Yoongi takes Jimin's hand. "When did yo...". "I won't tell you". Yoongi said cutting Jimin off. "Fine". Jimin pouts. "And besides, I got your favorite snack". Yoongi grins. "You didn't". Jimin was already squealing. "I did". Yoongi says placing a bowl of ice cream with pickles and mustard in front of Jimin.

"Your a sweetheart". Jimin says eating ice cream. "Your welcome". Yoongi says trying not to gag. "Oh, you want so...". "God no". Yoongi gagged. "What's wrong with it?". Jimin hissed. "Nothing baby, its just... Its yours". Yoongi said. "I wasn't sharing anyway". Jimin giggled. "Getting off topic". Yoongi says.

"There was a topic?". Jimin asked. "A very important one". Yoongi said getting out his chair to kneel in front of Jimin. "Yoo...". "Shh". Yoongi chuckled taking Jimin's hand. "Ok so, I have a speech and all that, but I'll just ask you cause its getting chilly out here". Yoongi took out a small box from his pocket. "Kim Jimin, will you marry me?". Yoongi asked.

Jimin stared at him and then balled his eyes out. "No, no, what's the matter!?!". Yoongi said panicking. "I-I'm sorry, I'm just so happy". Jimin sniffs. "Don't scare me like that". Yoongi sighs wiping Jimin's tear away. "So...". Yoongi smiled. "Of course my answer is yes". Jimin smiled hugging Yoongi.

"God, I love you". Yoongi said. "I know". Jimin giggled.

"I love you too".

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now