Sassy squad

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"So... Your a dancer?". Taehyung said. "Tae... I know your not stupid". Jimin said. "I can be when I want to and I choose to be now". Taehyung said. "Your mouth gets you in trouble a lot doesn't it?". Jimin asked. "Not the way you think". Taehyung winks at him. "I'm so disappointed and proud at the same time". Jimin laughed.

"I'm awesome like that". Taehyung said. "Now dance for me puppet". Taehyung clapped. "Don't fucking give me orders". Jimin hissed. "I wasn't... I was telling you to do something". Taehyung replied. "Paint for me, fakie". Jimin said. "Don't boss me around". Taehyung growled. "I didn't, I gave you a command". Jimin smirked.

"Ohh, I like that". Taehyung nodded. "I know". Jimin giggled. "God even breathing near you is lowering my value!". The boys turns to the door hearing someone's loud voice. "I don't talk to broke people, get the fuck out of my fucking face! Over here trying to bring back the 1970's and shit, build a time machine!".

"On my god, that was brilliant". Taehyung says laughing. "He is gold". Jimin said. "Making me choke with your 99 cent cologne, you want some money?". Both Jimin and Taehyung dropped to the floor in tears. "I have a audience! Move peasant, I wasted enough time on you". After that, the door was opened.

 After that, the door was opened

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"There you are!". Jimin was hugged by the man. "I'm Darren but you know me as Rennie". Darren said. "Oh I remember you". Jimin said. "Of course I do, I'm unforgettable". Darren says and looks at Taehyung. "Darren Chen, a trademark". Darren held out his hand. "Kim Taehyung, still questioning why I'm not sighed to Gucci".

Darren and Jimin laughed and Taehyung got offended. "I'm I a joke to y'all?". Taehyung asked. "No". Jimin replied. "You actually look like you can be a Gucci model". Darren said. "Lord knows they need some good ones and not those walking dead ones". Jimin shivered. "Thank you!". Taehyung shouts.

"I'm trying to save them". Taehyung puffs out his cheeks and Rose walked in. "Hello new friends". Rose smiles and looks at Darren. "Rennie!". Rose says and the boys eyes widened. "Did she just go into little space?". Darren asked. "She's a little?". Taehyung says and Jimin went over to Rose. "Rowsie?". Jimin says and got hit by Rose.

"I'm not in little space". Rose said. "No need to hit me". Jimin rubs his arm. "I'm Darren". Darren said. "Nice to meet you, I'm Rose". Rose grins. "Oh, by the way". Rose sits on the floor. "I just saw some girl wearing a brown and yellow dress, thinking she was cute but really she looked like dog shit and mustard". Rose laughed.

The boys looked like they were about to puke. "Where?". Darren asked. "Why?". Rose raised a brow. "Cause I need to tell her that she's a danger to me". Darren replied. "She's a danger to society". Taehyung gagged. "My mum would have her ass, sell to the lowest bidder then tell her family what he did". Jimin said.

"And you?". Darren turns to Jimin. "Me?". Jimin says then giggles. "I will tell her to take off the dress so I can light it on fire, sit her down and tell her how she embarrassed me by breathing in the same school as me then I will give her my little sister's hand me downs cause she had a better sense of style as a newborn".

"Yo-you are my savior". Darren hugged Jimin making him laugh. "I'm scared". They turned seeing Shownu and his friends looking terrified. "Aww don't be scared love". Rose kissed Shownu on his cheek. "Yeah Show, don't be scared". Jimin smiled.

"Just don't fuck with us".

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now