I'm Dylan

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Jimin was sleeping till he felt like he was being watched

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Jimin was sleeping till he felt like he was being watched. Jimin opened his eyes and sure enough, he was being watched.

 Jimin opened his eyes and sure enough, he was being watched

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Jimin screamed and fell on the floor. "Dang it Lanie! Don't do that!". Jimin covered his heart. "Why am I here?". Jimin's eyes widened. "Um...". Jimin looks at him. "I helped you while you were in little space". Jimin replied. "Thanks". The man said. "Bye". The man walks out of Jimin's room and Jimin chased after him.

"Wait! Where are you going?". Jimin said. "Leaving". The man said. "But you...". The man turns to look at Jimin. "Listen, I don't appreciate hand outs cause people always want something in return". The man stats. "I don't want anything! I wanted to help cause I'm also a little". Jimin said. "You are?". The man said and Jimin nods.

The man smiles at Jimin but quickly shakes his head. "Its good to meet another little but I can't stay here, I'm sorry". The man opens the door and walks into someone. "You ok?". The man looks up and his eyes widened.

 The man looks up and his eyes widened

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Hoseok chuckled and looks at Jimin. "Were you going to take Lanie to the park?". Hoseok asked. "He's not in little space anymore Hyung". Jimin said. "Oh...". Hoseok nods. "He's trying to leave Hoseok". Jimin said and Hoseok looks at the man. "I don't want to be a bother". The man says shaking.

"Jimin is a kind soul, he wouldn't think you will be a bother". Hoseok said and Jimin blushed. "Yo-you won't?". The man says and Jimin smiles. "No, I won't". Jimin said. "Then can I st...". "Of course!". Jimin give him a hug. "Thank you Jimin". The man says feeling grateful. "Your very welcome".

 "Your very welcome"

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Jimin made the man a big breakfast which he destroyed. "We don't know your name". Hoseok said. "I-I'm Dylan". Dylan says blushing. "I'm Hoseok, as you know". Hoseok laughed. "I-I know". Dylan coughs. "I'll give you a regular room for you Dylan". Jimin said. "Thanks, I don't want to stay for long cause you know...".

Jimin and Hoseok looks at each other. "We don't know". Jimin giggled. "You two". Dylan says. Jimin and Hoseok were still confused til Jimin realized what he was talking about. "Oh! No! no! Dylan we aren't together". Jimin said. "That's what he met!". Hoseok says and Jimin nods. "But in little space I...".

"Your tired I see! Let's get you to bed!". Jimin drags Dylan out the kitchen.

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Jimin shoves Dylan in a room. "There's already clothes in here". Jimin said. "You like him". Dylan said. "Its a crush!". Jimin yells. "Good bye Dylan!". Jimin slams the door shut and Dylan laughed.

"He likes him".

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now