Friend advice

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Yoongi walks out the college with a shattered heart. "I know it wasn't going to be easy". Yoongi chuckled weakly. All Yoongi wanted to do was try to show Jimin how sorry he was but it was going to be harder then he thought. "Lets see if Hoseok will help me". Yoongi takes out his phone and calls Hoseok.

"Yoongi". Hoseok's voice wasn't his regular cheery one. "Hoseok, I...". Yoongi said. "What do you want?". Yoongi took a deep breath. "I-I wanted to apologize to Jimin but he didn't give a chance". Yoongi said. "Wow... You think". Yoongi bit the inside of his cheek. "Wait a minute... You went to apologize?". Yoongi raised his brow. "I just said that".

"Yoongi and apologizes in the same sentence... I did long enough to witness it". Yoongi hissed hearing Hoseok laugh. "Hoseok". Yoongi growled. "Ok, ok, look come to my office". Yoongi grinned. "Really?". Yoongi says. "Yes really, you need help". Yoongi smiled. "Thank you". Yoongi said. "Now your thanking me!?! What the fuck happened to you?".

Yoongi thinks for a moment. 'What did happen to me?'. Yoongi questioned his self. "Doesn't matter, see you soon". Yoongi hung up and jumped in his car to drive to his friend but didn't realize the pair of eyes that was watching him.

 Yoongi hung up and jumped in his car to drive to his friend but didn't realize the pair of eyes that was watching him

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Yoongi walks in and sees a another man in the room.

Yoongi walks in and sees a another man in the room

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"Why the fuck is he here?". Hoseok looks at Dylan. "Here's trying to apologize to Jimin, Dylan". Hoseok replied. Dylan glares at Yoongi before speaking to Hoseok. "Why? I mean I know Jimin doesn't want anything to do with him". Dylan said. "I'm standing right here". Yoongi said. "Oh I know, you disappointed to the human race".

"Dylan!". Hoseok yells harshly. "You thought I would take that back if you yelled at me?". Dylan huffed. "No take backs". Dylan snickers. "Dylan can you leave for a second?". Hoseok asked. "It will take me more then a second to get to the door Hobie". Dylan said. "Dylan". Hoseok threw daggers at him.

"Easy daddy, I'm leaving". Dylan blow a kiss at Hoseok, scoffs at Yoongi and walks out. "He calls you daddy?". Yoongi looks at Hoseok who's face was red. "Your here for Jimin". Hoseok said. "Right". Yoongi said. "The only advice I can give you is give him space". Hoseok said and Yoongi shook his head. "No".

"Yoongi, what you said about littles hurt him because he is one... You need to give him space". Hoseok said. "But what if...". "If Minie wants you, then I'll call you". Hoseok said. "But for Jimin... Just give him a little space and let him figure things out on his own". Hoseok said. "And if that doesn't work?". Yoongi asked and Hoseok smirks.

"I'll do plan K".

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now