Chapter 10: Over Training And Exam

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Upon concluding a lap around the third training ground, Tatsuma and Minato, in silent accord, gradually reduced their pace. They transitioned from sprinting to jogging, allowing themselves a moment to catch their breath. The young man with a head resembling a watermelon fell behind momentarily, only to recognize it and seamlessly switch to jogging as well.

Another lap around the third exercise ground, and the trio decided to come to a halt. Minato and Tatsuma turned their attention to the middle-aged man standing beside them, who hadn't broken a sweat. In awe, Minato exclaimed,

"Ninja-sama, your Taijutsu must be powerful, right?"

Upon being addressed as Ninja-sama for the first time, Might Duy found himself momentarily taken aback. He then awkwardly scratched his head and responded,

"Ahaha~ I'm just a Genin, not particularly skilled in Ninjutsu, so I channel my efforts into physical training. Don't call me sama, just call me Might Duy!"

Tatsuma also observed this emblematic Konoha Genin, the man destined to later instruct Might Guy in the Eight Inner Gates and the ardor of youth.

Ninjas are those who endure what ordinary people cannot, and Might Duy, who has embraced self-discipline throughout his life, unquestionably stands as one of the finest examples of a ninja.

However, Might Duy's prowess doesn't quite live up to some exaggerated claims, and he falls short of the formidable force that the future Might Guy becomes, mainly due to a lack of encounters with stronger opponents. In Tatsuma's estimation, reducing the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist to only three may already be Duy's limit.

This contrast becomes evident when examining Might Guy's childhood. Father and son did engage in joint training, and during a running session, Might Duy succumbed after completing 1,500 laps. In stark contrast, the young Might Guy, still a child, achieved a remarkable feat of 5,000 laps. Furthermore, Duy's focus remained exclusively on Taijutsu, as it was the only discipline available to him, while Guy made a deliberate choice to specialize in Taijutsu.

Guy possessed both Fire and Lightning Chakra Nature Transformations, and his chakra capacity brimmed with energy. It can be affirmed that Guy, driven by the desire to embody his father's discipline and carry forward his ninja way and dreams, made the conscious choice to forsake other paths.

Undoubtedly, whether it's Might Duy or Might Guy, in comparison to Tatsuma, who, even as a "Genin," falls slightly short in terms of strength, they both stand out as exceptionally formidable ninjas.

Confronting this distinctive elder, Tatsuma spoke with a bright smile, "Uncle Duy, you are the most diligent ninja I've ever seen. I often catch sight of you training around the Hokage Building."

Tatsuma didn't finish his sentence before halting, noticing Might Duy, who appeared stiffened and almost petrified. After a brief pause, Duy leisurely remarked, "Uncle? But I'm only 18 years old."

18 years old??? Is this guy really 18?

Both Minato and Tatsuma sported big question marks above their heads as they observed Might Duy, with his thick eyebrows, large eyes, a face marked by the passage of time, and even a dense stubble, leaving them in silence.

After a moment of quiet reflection, Tatsuma suddenly realized that Duy lived to the age of 35, perishing in the Third Great Ninja War. So being 18 now makes sense.

"So, practicing Taijutsu can expedite maturity? Minato, it looks like we've got a lot more training ahead of us!"

Unable to withstand the eerie silence any longer, Tatsuma broke the awkwardness. After all, it was he who broached the subject. Hearing this, Minato promptly nodded and remarked, "Yes, maturity is what garners trust!"

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