Chapter 141: Sometimes, Overthinking Can Hinder Living A Good Life

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"You two! Was it the Hokage old man who specifically had you two eliminate me in the assessment?!"

From the Senju Clan, Kushina, who somehow got wind of the news, arrived in front of Tatsuma and Minato, looking furious. Tatsuma was stunned for a moment, then showed an expression of speechlessness.

Minato hurriedly explained, "Kushina, Tatsuma and I are just practical examiners. We don't have the authority to decide whether a student graduates or is eliminated. Besides, there are more examiners than just us, and you might not necessarily accept our assessment."

Upon hearing Minato's explanation, Kushina still looked suspicious and said to Minato, who was easier to bully, "You'd better not deceive me! Also..."

Suddenly, Kushina retracted her earlier aura, somewhat awkwardly saying, "If... if you assess me, can you... can you give me a good score?"

"Sorry, Kushina, we will strictly adhere to the standards; it's the village's requirement."

Minato's tone also became serious. He was gentle and had a different feeling towards Kushina, but when it came to matters concerning the village and ninjas, he wouldn't compromise.

Tatsuma rolled his eyes. This Minato really couldn't speak, huh? With Kushina's terrifying strength, even if she relied solely on Taijutsu, she could at least get an A grade rating, which would be considered a good result.

Following this point, why not say something like, "Kushina, with your strength, you'll surely get a good score"? Minato's tone made it sound like Kushina needed connections to pass the assessment.

As expected, Kushina's round face flushed red with anger, her red hair behind her head almost seeming to float. Tatsuma sighed and decided to help Minato out. He looked towards Nawaki, who was training not far away, and said:

"According to the village's standards, Nawaki will probably get the best results. If you can demonstrate the same level of skill as Nawaki, getting the best results should be no problem for you."

"Nawaki, huh?"

Kushina shifted her attention and dashed towards Nawaki, who was warming up. Soon, the Senju Clan area echoed with Nawaki's painful cries, but the tough-skinned Nawaki only felt the pain; being injured? That didn't exist for him.

Having vented her anger and received the implicit assurance from Tatsuma that she could definitely achieve the best results, Kushina's mood improved, and she happily went to find Uzumaki Mito.

Tatsuma looked at Nawaki, who was grimacing and continuously rubbing the bruises on his body, then turned to Minato and said, "You caused the trouble, so you treat Nawaki."

Nawaki, who had no idea what had happened, suddenly gave Minato a deathly glare, glaring at him fiercely. Minato was full of question marks, but still obediently started to treat Nawaki's injuries, dispersing blood stasis and promoting blood circulation.

"Clearly, we are both descendants of the Senju clan. Why does Kushina have greater power than me? Could it be that my youthfulness hasn't been thoroughly realized enough?"

Nawaki, who was receiving treatment from Minato, looked at Tatsuma with puzzlement. There had been rumors circulating in the village recently, suggesting that Tatsuma was also a descendant of the Senju clan and had awakened Enhanced Strength. Nawaki, who firmly believed in these rumors, was eager to get answers from Tatsuma.

Although these rumors had initially originated from some Samurais who had no connection to the Senju clan, the more Nawaki looked at Tatsuma, the more he felt that the rumors made sense. Even if Tatsuma denied them and explained the reasons behind them, Nawaki remained unconvinced.

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