Chapter 151: Tatsuma's Strategy

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"Tsunaade, Tatsuma, are you two coming over as well?"

Outside the cave, Jiraiya, with a serious expression, greeted Tsunade and Tatsuma, who had heavy dark circles under their eyes, as they walked out. Without hesitation, Tsunade went up to Jiraiya and asked, "How's the situation over here?"

"We have a group of two hundred, led by a Jonin named Zaren. There are only five Jonin and just over twenty Chunin," replied Jiraiya.

Upon hearing Jiraiya's words, Tsunade's face darkened. It seemed that the Land of Rain was convinced that Konoha wouldn't dare to make a big move against them, as they had only been engaging in small-scale harassment so far.

Tsunade couldn't help but recall Danzo's ideology from before, which was to focus all their efforts on attacking the Sand Ninja, freeing up a large number of troops to directly encircle and crush the Land of Rain's ninja organization.

Being constantly harassed by the Rain Ninja without fear, Tsunade was truly feeling angry and was itching to go on a killing spree. However, hunting down Rain Ninja squads on the outskirts was acceptable, as the Land of Rain couldn't find concrete evidence, and with their small numbers, the impact was minimal.

But if a group of more than two hundred people is killed in one go, while this might not be considered a large number in Konoha, it would be a significant force in the Land of Rain. If Konoha truly dared to do so, then restarting negotiations would be impossible.

However, this is the village's order. We must hold out until negotiations with the Land of Rain resume, even if during this period, Konoha suffers some losses.

From the village's perspective, this is naturally a good thing for the ninja world situation. But for frontline ninjas, it is undeniably extremely cruel, especially since the Rain Ninja, although few in number, do not hold back at all.

Faced with the unrestrained Rain Ninja, how could the restrained Konoha ninjas possibly have a good outcome?

At this moment, Tatsuma used a cloth soaked in alcohol to wipe the corners and areas around his eyes, preventing the accumulation of dirt from these past few days from irritating his eyes. While waiting for the alcohol to dry, he asked, "Does the village only forbid us from killing Rain Ninja in large numbers or permanently weakening them?"

"Are you talking about poison?"

Jiraiya seemed to have already known what Tatsuma wanted to say. He shook his head and looked at Tsunade. Although he didn't say anything further, everything was understood without words. It was obvious that it wasn't that he didn't want to use it, but rather Tsunade didn't want to.

Tsunade didn't explain, but the dissatisfaction on her face already indicated her attitude. However, Tatsuma, with his eyes closed, didn't see it. His thoughts shifted, and he continued, "Is it because of reputation?"

Although very dissatisfied, Tsunade still truthfully answered, "That's right. But it's not about my reputation; I don't care. It's just that there are too many obstacles for me to use these methods on the battlefield where I am."

Tatsuma didn't quite understand Tsunade's thoughts and didn't want to delve into it. He opened his eyes and asked, "But what if it's not Konoha ninjas using poison? After all, it's not just us from Konoha fighting against the Rain Ninja.

We don't use poison, but it doesn't mean that Sand Ninja don't use poison, right?"

Jiraiya frowned and asked, "Are you suggesting impersonating Sand Ninja to further escalate the conflict between Rain Ninja and Sand Ninja?"

Tatsuma nodded and said with a smile, "Moreover, we don't need to use other poisons. We just need to use the poisons of the Sand Ninja. Although it may imply some deliberate framing, the truth on the battlefield is not important. What matters are the reasons and the benefits."

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