Chapter 55: Unsaid Rule In Accepting Private Commissions

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Nestled along the coastline, where the Land of Fire meets the vast expanse of the Land of Whirlpools, lies a haven for fishermen known as Awa. Though not officially recognized as a village, its reputation echoes far and wide.

This is the destination of Jiraiya and his party. Since the destruction of Uzumaki Hidden Village, Awa has had fishermen going to the Uzumaki Country ruins to "hunt for treasure" from time to time.

During the final months of the fishing ban, it emerged as a crucial source of income amidst the period of financial drought.

The individual who inadvertently breached the seal this time is none other than Shigeru, a seasoned fisherman hailing from Awa. Unfortunately, scant details are available about him, as previous ninja investigations into Awa yielded no tangible intel.

For this particular mission, the trio opted against disguises, recognizing that their target wasn't a ninja, nor even human. Disguises would only drain their mental reserves without substantially aiding the mission.

Out at the outskirts of Awa, Jiraiya took on the role of a culinary instructor, guiding his companions in the fine art of fish grilling. While it's unconventional for ninja on a mission to light a fire and cook fish, given the risk of drawing attention from adversaries or wild creatures, the allure of piping hot food is undeniable.

Tatsuma, in particular, relishes every bite, finding this experience far more satisfying than their last mission where they subsisted on Military Rations Pills for an entire week.

"Ah~ I'm stuffed! Minato, please attend to the cookware, and Tatsuma, let's get a fire going for some tea," Jiraiya commands, contentment evident in his tone as he savors the camaraderie and simple pleasures of their makeshift meal.

At the sandy junction where the beach embraces the shore, Jiraiya sprawls comfortably on the ground, his hand idly tracing circles on his belly as he issues instructions to his attentive disciples. Without a word of protest, the duo promptly make their way to the river mouth to procure fresh water.

Minato assumes a squatting position, diligently commencing the task of cleaning the cookware, while Tatsuma went back to the campfire, retrieving a stash of tea leaves from his backpack.

Notably absent from their initial provisions, these tea leaves were a gracious offering from a caravan they aided just yesterday, successfully warding off a menacing wolf pack. The caravan, appreciative of their assistance, bestowed upon them not only the tea leaves but also an array of seasonings tailored for fish grilling, all presented as tokens of gratitude.

Originally, the caravan had intended to compensate them with money, but Jiraiya swiftly vetoed the idea, emphasizing the importance of avoiding formal commissions. As Konoha ninja, they were bound by protocol to undertake missions exclusively through the Hidden Leaf Village, refraining from private arrangements.

Tatsuma took out three wooden bowls that he had just made while waiting for the fish to be grilled. He put a little tea leaves into each bowl. After the water boiled, he carefully poured the water into the wooden bowls.

Meanwhile, Minato completed the task of washing the cookware, joining his companions as they settled down to leisurely sip tea, basking in the tranquil embrace of the summer sunset.

Amidst the serene moment, Jiraiya casually posed a question to his companions, "Have either of you noticed anything out of the ordinary?"

Tatsuma and Minato both affirmed with nods. Jiraiya singled out Minato with a gesture, prompting him to share his insights.

Minato, acknowledging the cue, concisely articulated his observations, "There are too many fishing boats on the shore. It is early August now, the fishing ban has just passed, the fish are getting rich, and the weather has been very good recently, there have been no typhoons or tsunamis.

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