Chapter 46: Tatsuma Trolling Minato

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Tatsuma stepped into the night shop named "Dream Night," greeted by a gentle voice. Two lines of girls near the entrance beamed with welcoming smiles as they cordially acknowledged the duo.

In that moment, an even more refined and slightly older middle-aged woman approached. She effortlessly linked her arm with Tatsuma's and inquired, "Welcome, guests. Is this your first visit to our Dream Night? Judging by your and your friend's attire, I presume you are esteemed patrons from the Shiranami Hot Springs Inn, am I correct?"

Tatsuma affirmed with a nod. Their arrival at this location wasn't a mere application of Transformation Jutsu; even their choice of yukatas had been meticulously made, reflecting the pinnacle of expenditure associated with the hot spring inn in Shiranami Village.

The reason behind their distinctive attire was straightforward: a lack of funds. Opting for ordinary clothes would risk exposing their financial constraint if asked for payment upfront. Yukatas, on the other hand, provided a semblance of normalcy to their apparent lack of funds.

Furthermore, the entire village was aware that patrons of the Shiranami Hot Springs Inn were individuals of affluence. Astute proprietresses like the one at the nightclub might be inclined to extend the payment deadline or, perhaps, even accompany them to the hot spring inn for the settlement process.

After a nod, Tatsuma withheld his words momentarily. Instead, he adopted a discerning and critical expression, carefully observing the movements and postures of the girls within the venue. After a pause, he couldn't help but smirk and turned to Minato, who seemed somewhat uneasy, remarking:

"Zenzou, this place seems rather ordinary. How about we explore another establishment?"

Minato didn't reply immediately. He was still getting accustomed to the environment, but his hesitation was misconstrued as disdain by the nightclub madam. She promptly interjected:

"Guests! Guests! Why the rush? A jewelry store doesn't flaunt its best pieces for everyone to see, right? Come to this private booth, and I'll introduce you to our finest selection. Jun, fetch two bottles of sake and join these two guests for a couple of drinks."

Upon hearing the madam instructing the nearby girl to fetch the drinks, Tatsuma gently nudged the madam's shoulder, retracted his arm, and calmly remarked, "Pressuring a sale isn't the way to go."

"Consider what you're saying. How can these two bottles of sake compensate for your bill? Think of it as recompense for any inconvenience caused by the wait," the madam responded.

Upon hearing the madam's conciliatory words, Tatsuma finally revealed a smile, embraced the madam, and expressed, "Now, that's what I like to hear."

Maintaining her warm smile, the madam led the duo to a private booth. At that moment, the girl named Jun approached with two bottles of sake.

As she tidied up the table in the private booth, she inquired with gentleness, "Guests, would you prefer the sake warmed?"

Tatsuma responded effortlessly, "Certainly, warm. In this chilly weather, sake that isn't warmed feels as cold as dewdrops freezing on your body during a hot spring soak."

On the sidelines, Minato, initially fearing they were about to break their alcohol abstinence, breathed a sigh of relief, appreciating how Tatsuma's words deftly bought them some time. He couldn't help but feel a bit perplexed about Tatsuma's familiarity with the place.

However, Minato didn't dwell on the confusion for too long, assuming that Tatsuma had gathered information during his surveillance in the past few days.

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