Chapter 48: The Longer the Foreplay, the Shorter the Main Act

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Surprisingly, Yuko broke the silence at this moment. Nasu hadn't seen it coming, and his subordinates continued their activities unabated. He doubted that these two mischievous troublemakers comprehended the gravity of the situation.

Yet, a subtle undercurrent of menace toward Yuko flickered in Nasu's eyes. Once this ordeal was dealt with, Nasu swore to take matters into his own hands and put an end to Yuko.

"Plop, plop~"

"Bang, bang~"

Nasu's kunai found its mark, piercing the necks of Tatsuma and Minato. But the grim sound of blades slicing through flesh didn't resonate as expected, freezing the smiles on the faces of the ronin and momentarily leaving Nasu in a tense stillness.

Within the space where Tatsuma and Minato had stood, a pair of smoke clouds enveloped them. Swiftly dissipating, the smoke revealed an unexpected transformation - the two adults had inexplicably morphed into two small boys.

What's more, Nasu's kunai had struck just above the heads of the transformed duo, indicating that Nasu had not inflicted any physical harm. Unexpectedly, Tatsuma and Minato restored to their original forms, each wielded a kunai and thrust them into Nasu's ribs.

The depth of Nasu's lung injury undeniably delivered a severe blow, sapping the strength of even a formidable ninja like him. This setback was particularly impactful given Nasu's status as a Chunin in the relatively modest Waterfall Ninja Village.

Tatsuma and Minato pressed on, their actions seamlessly coordinated. Simultaneously swinging their arms back, they executed a well-timed kick to Nasu's knees from behind. Nasu crumpled to the ground instantly, and the duo wasted no time in producing ropes to bind him securely.

Employing techniques learned from their classroom training, they applied effective methods and intricate knots designed to thwart any Escape Techniques. The sudden turn of events caught the ronin off guard, and there was no intervention from anyone to halt their actions.

In the blink of an eye, the Ninja-sama, expected to be the one to put an end to the troublesome duo, found himself unexpectedly defeated by two kids.

The ronin were not the only ones taken aback; even Minato found himself somewhat astonished. Nasu, a Chunin, being effortlessly defeated by freshly graduated Genin was not something he had anticipated.

Tatsuma, with a keen awareness of his own capabilities, remained unfazed. He understood that many ninjas lacked the skill to overcome lack of intelligence. Even Jonin or village leaders could fall victim to ambushes due to imbalances in intelligence.

Nasu, this Chunin, was someone who abused his power among civilians, forgetting all caution. His role as a Chunin, especially one who overlooked vigilance within the civilian population, was even more concerning.

Except for a handful of highly skilled rogue ninjas, the majority could be handled with just a Kunai, let alone dealing with Tatsuma and Minato together who both have the strength of a chunin.

"Minato, should I take the lead, or are you up for it?"

Having subdued Nasu, Tatsuma eased into a smile and directed the question at Minato. Unfazed by their effortless victory over Nasu, Minato scanned the surroundings and replied, "I've got it."

"Don't underestimate us, you little brats!"

A ronin, unable to accept the unfolding scene, voiced his despair. However, his protest was met with a swiftly spinning Shuriken slicing across his neck.

As the ronin collapsed, Minato vanished without a trace, mirroring Nasu's earlier use of the Body Flicker Jutsu. However, Minato's execution was notably more proficient than Nasu's stumbling attempt.

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