Chapter 180: Time To End The War

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"Sensei, it's been a long time."

At the border between the Rain and Fire countries, the Ninja Corps of Konoha finally met with the Western Expedition Corps. Meanwhile, Tsunade and others who had been active on the battlefield also arrived at the main camp.

"Long time no see! Did you bring the cards? I haven't played in ages!"

Tsunade's mood was quite good because she had received orders from the village to engage in a decisive battle with the Land of Rain to end the war. Furthermore, she had been appointed as the supreme commander and was going to battle Hanzo.

Thinking about defeating Hanzo and proving that medical ninjas also have a place in combat, Tsunade couldn't be happier.

Jiraiya, on the other hand, was also smiling. As one of the most outstanding of his generation, it was his wish to confront veteran strongmen like Hanzo.

Only Orochimaru, at this moment, frowned and looked strangely at Tatsuma, who was being dragged around by Tsunade by his hair.

The village's orders were for him, Jiraiya, and Tsunade to serve as the main commanders for this operation, to defeat Hanzo.

Such a task sounded exhilarating. Jiraiya and Tsunade had even begun discussing what Ninjutsu to use to defeat Hanzo.

But Orochimaru felt that Hanzo was not someone the three of them could deal with, not out of self-doubt, but because he knew how powerful Hanzo was.

In the past few months, he had been active between the four countries and had witnessed Mifune's strength. Honestly, Orochimaru didn't have much confidence. His most adept Ninjutsu was too difficult to use against Mifune's speed and Kenjutsu.

Yet, even with Mifune leading a group of elite warriors, he was easily defeated by Hanzo.

According to the post-war dejected Mifune, they couldn't even inflict any damage on Hanzo. They were completely overwhelmed by Hanzo in a single battle.

Because Orochimaru wasn't as optimistic as his two teammates about whether they could defeat Hanzo, he even felt that there were problems with the arrangement of this mission.

So he repeatedly reviewed the village's plan until he finally felt a sense of familiarity from the plan.

The style of seeking the greatest victory with the fewest sacrifices reminded him of the boy who had been begging for mercy repeatedly just now.

With Orochimaru's talent, he quickly deduced the reasons behind the village's or perhaps Tatsuma's scheming, but he was still very unhappy!

He had always been the one calculating others, but suddenly, one day, he found himself being calculated against. This kind of disparity made Orochimaru very uncomfortable.

He even wanted to replace Tsunade and ruthlessly drag Tatsuma by his hair!

After Tsunade finished scolding this disciple who dared to go to the battlefield without cards, she finally let go. Jiraiya took the torch, put his arm around Tatsuma's shoulder, and lowered his voice, saying:

"Tatsuma, let's discuss. You teach me Rasengan, and I'll teach you a very powerful jutsu."

"How powerful? How strong is it?"

Running his fingers through his hair, Tatsuma asked with great interest. Jiraiya chuckled and replied, "You promise first. Once you agree, when I learn that jutsu, I'll show it to you."

Upon hearing this, Tatsuma had a general idea of what Jiraiya was talking about. His eyes instantly became alert, he distanced himself from Jiraiya, scrutinizing him.

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