Chapter 19: Copying Homework Proved Useful!

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As the muffled voice reached Tatsuma's ears, he promptly swung the door ajar, only to discover Minato lacing up his shoes, a ninja tool pouch hanging nonchalantly from his waist. Minato shot Tatsuma a glance and quipped, "You are unusually late today"

Observing Minato geared up for training, Tatsuma playfully waved his hand and retorted, "No field today. Jiraiya dumped a couple of Ninjutsu scrolls on me; let's tackle the fine art of transcription together."


Minato's contented smile remained as Tatsuma retrieved the two scrolls, making his way towards the training room. Following suit, Minato entered the room, producing two pens and two blank scrolls.

While Minato maintained an immaculate home, it was clear he possessed more possessions than Tatsuma, especially in the training room. In contrast to Tatsuma's relatively bare bookshelf, Minato's collection was diverse.

Textbooks, literature, and the biographies of renowned ninjas adorned Minato's shelves. He had nearly amassed them all, from mundane tomes to the extraordinary. The cost of these ordinary books typically hovered around one hundred and fifty ryo, a price that Minato, could easily afford.

Tatsuma has the means to purchase books as well, yet he refrains from doing so. Given his exceptional talent, distractions are a luxury he cannot afford. He finds satisfaction in saving the little money that remains each month, fostering a sense of security.

Minato, displaying his usual hospitality, pulled a chair from the dining room and arranged drinks and snacks for Tatsuma. Only then did they settle down face-to-face at the desk. Handing the Needle Jizo scroll to Minato, Tatsuma remarked, "Minato, your generosity knows no bounds. Merely transcribing a scroll, and yet you've gone to such lengths to treat me. I, too, have something to propose."

Having received the scroll, Minato flashed a smile and proposed, "Shall we determine who can transcribe it faster?"

"You truly get me," Tatsuma replied with a grin. Both of them eagerly unrolled the scrolls, revealing not only the basics of Ninjutsu and hand seals but also a trove of personal insights inscribed in small characters.

They delved into the intricacies, exploring the significance of each hand seal. For instance, the choice of the Snake Seal as the final seal for Needle Jizo came with explanations, thanks to Jiraiya's detailed annotations.

The Needle Jizo technique, with its unique effect of embedding and subsequently releasing hair into the ground, was thoroughly discussed. Jiraiya had crafted the method by drawing inspiration from the principles of various Earth Release Ninjutsu.

Many Earth Release Ninjutsu culminate with the Snake Seal, as it facilitates a smoother communication of Chakra with the earth. This parallels the Tiger Seal, aiding the practitioner in harmonizing the Fire Release Chakra generated within the body.

Jiraiya's Wild Lion's Mane Jutsu follows a similar thematic structure. Not only did Jiraiya meticulously detail each hand seal, but he also expounded on the technique's application and provided strategies for its coordination with other jutsu.

Despite Jiraiya's somewhat mediocre drawing skills, he adorned the explanations with abstract figures, underscoring his earnest effort to convey the nuances of these two Ninjutsu. It was clear that Jiraiya was committed to elucidating all the crucial points.

Upon perusing these meticulous notes, Tatsuma finally grasped why Jiraiya dedicated three days to complete a single scroll record. In the realm of instruction, Jiraiya left no room for carelessness.

Minato took a quick glance before focusing on the scroll in Tatsuma's hands. It became evident that Tatsuma's scroll harbored more detailed content, placing him at a slight disadvantage in their impromptu competition.

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