Chapter 173: Dan's Sorrow

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When Tatsuma infused Wind Release Chakra into the Rasengan in his hand, everyone felt that something was wrong. Kushina's feeling of unease resurfaced once again.

Emulating Tsunade's manner, she shielded Minato behind her. Minato wore a helpless expression, but at this moment, he couldn't say much. He just leaned forward, looking in Tatsuma's direction.

As the person involved, Tatsuma naturally knew that things were going wrong. The Rasengan, which had finally found a balance point, now felt like a bursting dam.

The piercing sound, causing severe ringing in the ears, even momentarily dazed Tatsuma. It was precisely because of this momentary lapse that he lost the best opportunity to control the Rasengan.

"Crackle, crackle, crackle~"

A mist of blood suddenly sprayed from Tatsuma's right hand arm, and his skin peeled off like a peeled potato, with drops of blood oozing out simultaneously.

And the spilled blood was instantly shattered into a mist of blood.


Dan Kato frowned, swiftly performing hand seals. His spirit detached from his body and rushed towards Tatsuma.


Tatsuma fell to the ground, and the flow of Chakra, continuously infused to maintain the Rasengan, suddenly stopped. Without the Chakra supply, the Rasengan, already heavily distorted, reluctantly dissipated.


As Tatsuma regained consciousness, he grabbed his right forearm with his left hand, gritting his teeth. The pain, seemingly affecting every single cell, was unbearable even for him, who had undergone years of training.

"Summoning Jutsu!"

Seeing the Rasengan disappear, Tsunade quickly summoned Katsuyu. After Katsuyu appeared, without needing Tsunade's command, it climbed onto Tatsuma's arm.

The special Chakra of Katsuyu greatly alleviated Tatsuma's pain. He heaved a sigh of relief, his body no longer tense, and even took the opportunity to wipe away the cold sweat from his forehead.

"This jutsu is just too dangerous. Don't attempt it again in the future," Jiraiya said very seriously. Even he felt palpitations from that kind of power, a premonition of danger, just like that day in the cave when Orochimaru thrust a kunai towards him.

Tatsuma also knew that the Rasenshuriken should be used in conjunction with Sage Mode, but he relied on his control of Chakra and chose to try it anyway, only to realize he had been too arrogant.

But he quickly shook his head and said, "No, this jutsu may still be achievable."

Hearing this, Tsunade, Dan Kato, and others frowned, wanting to say a few words of comfort, but Tatsuma didn't wait for them to speak and continued:

"As long as I can increase the healing speed of my body, as long as my healing speed exceeds the rate of damage to my body, then it won't cause harm to me."

Tsunade shook her head and directly rebutted, "Such Medical Ninjutsu comes with too great a cost, and besides, you're not yet able to learn it."

Tsunade thought Tatsuma was referring to her Creation Rebirth Jutsu, but what Tatsuma had in mind was another Medical Ninjutsu, one that hadn't been created yet.

Moreover, the cost of that jutsu was much lower than Creation Rebirth; it was Yakushi Kabuto's Yin Healing Wound Destruction.

By preemptively treating the area that will be injured with Medical Ninjutsu, when the actual injury occurs, this Chakra will quickly heal the body.

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