Chapter 181: Provoking Hanzo

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Since receiving the battle armor, Tatsuma hadn't actually worn it yet. After all, they were all standardized, and although the size fit, it couldn't perfectly accommodate everyone's body type and habits.

For Tatsuma, the shoulder design of the battle armor was a bit too wide, clearly scaled down from adult sizes without considering the characteristics of children's body types.

Normally, Tatsuma would never choose this set of battle armor, but as one of the commanding officers, Orochimaru's orders had to be followed obediently.

Because the battle armor was too loose, both Tatsuma and Minato chose to add an extra vest between the lining and the armor plates. Although the vest's scroll pockets were completely useless when covered by the armor plates, ensuring a better fit for the battle armor was enough.

"The Rain Ninja should have already noticed our actions. I wonder how many Ninja they'll send to fight us. It'd be best if it's fifty thousand, so each of us can fight ten. That would be enough for a good spring cleaning!"

Inside the makeshift tent, Nawaki, wearing only the armor plates and bare-bodied, was filled with excitement as he tried to adjust to them. Watching Nawaki struggling with the inconvenience brought by the battle armor, Tatsuma couldn't help but say helplessly:

"Nawaki, if the Rain Ninja were to attack tonight, would you go into battle like this?"

Upon hearing this, Nawaki glanced down, perhaps feeling a bit embarrassed. He quickly put on a pair of pants, but in his haste, he tripped over them and fell to the ground.

"Oh, ah!!"

Nawaki, now lying on the ground, suddenly rolled over, his hands clutching his groin area in pain. His legs kicked up in the air in agony.

Outside the tent, Orochimaru, who had just finished finalizing details with Tsunade and the others, was about to return to his tent to rest when he heard his disciple's cry of pain. He suddenly had a bad feeling and quickly lifted the tent flap.

Opening the door, he saw Nawaki writhing in pain, his movements resembling someone offering flowers. Muscles in Orochimaru's face twitched uncontrollably.

Seeing Nawaki clutching his groin, Orochimaru couldn't help but glance at Tatsuma and Minato sitting on their hammocks. Orochimaru suspected whether these two youngsters had used that technique called Rasengan on his disciple.

However, Orochimaru also concluded that Nawaki didn't seem to be seriously injured. After his face alternated between dark and pale for a while, he quickly lowered the tent flap he had lifted and left.

Tatsuma and Minato had just gotten down from their hammocks and were about to greet Orochimaru when they noticed he had already left like the wind. They exchanged helpless glances.

After a few minutes, Nawaki finally recovered completely. With trembling hands, he carefully put on his pants and stuffed several wads of cloth in the groin area before remembering to take off the battle armor.

Wiping his upper body with a towel, Nawaki suddenly snapped back to reality and said, "Was it very windy just now? I felt like the wind was blowing on me."

"Ahem, your sensei paid you a visit."

Tatsuma forced himself to hold back his laughter and said to Nawaki seriously. He had received professional training and generally wouldn't laugh unless he couldn't help it.


Minato couldn't help it and let out a suppressed chuckle, and Tatsuma, too, couldn't contain himself and burst into laughter. Meanwhile, Nawaki seemed to have turned to stone.

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