Chapter 87: First Battlefield Experience

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In the forest, Tatsuma looked at the Ninja before him, whose face was twisted with pain, and whose eyes were filled with disbelief. Tatsuma showed a contagious smile and said:

"Your Achilles tendons in both legs and all ten fingers have already been snapped. Now you look moke like the puppets you guys use."

"You little devil."

The Ninja lowered his head, then immediately raised it. A Senbon shot out from his mouth, aiming straight at Tatsuma. Inuzuka Makoto, who was rushing from a distance, was about to throw a Kunai, but Tatsuma's speed was faster.


The Senbon collided with Chakra, spinning back towards the Sand Ninja. It pierced into the shoulder of the Sand Ninja who was struggling, and Tatsuma's smile remained as he watched the Sand Ninja.

In just a breath, the exposed skin on the Sand Ninja's neck turned purple, clearly indicating that he was poisoned. Tatsuma pursed his lips and, without saying a word, returned to his original position.

"Ding~ [Stamina+3], [Speed+3], would you like to claim?"

".Pick up."

Back in the queue, Tatsuma noticed that many people were looking at him. Having not participated in wars before, Tatsuma was unfamiliar with the usual procedures.

Normally, in the first attempt, no one would take it too seriously, and the Kunai thrown earlier should have all been intercepted. The next step would usually involve the leaders giving some harsh commands. However, Tatsuma went over and took down an opponent, which was evidently somewhat impolite.

"Is this the attitude of Konoha?!"

The voice of the elderly woman from earlier echoed once again, but this time, there was a hint of frustration in her tone. Orochimaru shifted his gaze back from Tatsuma and said:

"What about the attitude of the Sand? Do you plan to surrender today? If so, I can express sincere apologies on behalf of Konoha. If not..."

As Orochimaru spoke, a mocking smile appeared on his face. Tatsuma's actions might have been a bit unconventional, but he hadn't done anything wrong.

Do they not even have the right to retaliate when attacked? This is a battlefield, not a children's play area. If it's time to fight, then it's time to fight, as there's no avoiding it.

"There's nothing more to say then!"

As the words fell, another round of ninja tools was thrown in the jungle. Orochimaru waved his hand, and in an instant, the formation opened up. Tatsuma was unfamiliar with these tactics, but he followed the other ninja in his queue.

The Sand Ninjas also continued throwing Kunai and Shuriken in waves. Konoha's team gradually struggled between evasion and defense, causing the formation to become unbalanced, showing signs of being divided.

Orochimaru, standing still without dodging or avoiding, observed the situation of the team. A hint of urgency appeared on his face, but his eyes remained incredibly calm, as this was all part of his plan.

Before Konoha's reinforcements arrived, let them taste defeat a few times.

However, shortly after, he squinted his eyes, about to leave his position. At that moment, rows of Senbon fell at his feet.

"Orochimaru, don't think about helping your people."

In front of Orochimaru, three puppets suddenly appeared. Seeing these three puppets, Orochimaru, who had been composed, showed a trace of caution on his face.

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