Chapter 76: Exceptional Background Grants Undeserved Positions

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From the Hidden Leaf Village to the border of the Land of Fire, with the speed of a ninja, it would be enough to reach the destination in just two days or even less. However, when it comes to moving a large army, the speed inevitably slows down.

Firstly, it's challenging to coordinate a large number of people. Unlike a small group of three to five individuals who can easily adjust their speed, with a large number of people, the only option is to slow down to maintain formation.

Secondly, a large army is more likely to become a target for attacks. Unlike small squads that are agile and hard to detect, a large army advancing must rely on Sensory Ninjas for reconnaissance. The maximum speed of the large army will not exceed the reconnaissance speed of the Sensory Ninjas.

Tatsuma originally applied to join the reconnaissance squad during the journey, as he had a strong talent in Sensory abilities. Although his chakra levels couldn't sustain prolonged Sensory reconnaissance, he could serve as a temporary replacement.

However, Tsunade rejected the request because the reconnaissance squad operates ahead of the main force, making it more vulnerable to enemy encounters. After a few days of travel, the large army had already faced several attacks, resulting in the deaths of two Sensory Ninjas.

Overall, it took more than four days for the main force to reach the border camp. The border between the great nations is always occupied by ninjas, and at this time, the war has not truly erupted, and the camp has not been destroyed.

Therefore, the main force does not need to establish a new camp but instead directly coordinates with the ninjas already present at the camp.

However, upon arriving at the camp, Tatsuma immediately received his first task, which is to assist the Medical Corps in treating the ninjas within the camp.

"Kazuno, assist Tatsuma in treating ninjas with severe external injuries. Take me to see those poisoned ninjas. Others, organize cases that cannot be resolved and wait for me to come over."

Tsunade handed over the coordination work to Orochimaru and directly led the Medical Corps to the wartime medical department. Upon hearing Tsunade's arrangement, after subconsciously glancing at Tatsuma, Kazuno quickly ran towards the wounded.

At this moment, a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl approached Tatsuma and said, "Hello, Sakamoto Tatsuma. I'm Mitokado Kazuno, the former person in charge here. Please follow me."

Tatsuma nodded without complaining about starting work immediately upon arrival. Carrying his backpack, he followed Kazuno into a tent.

Inside the tent, there was a strong smell of medicinal herbs. There were also four or five ninjas lying on beds, groaning or trembling under their blankets. Tatsuma took a closer look at the nearest patient and asked with a furrowed brow:

"Who handled the previous treatment?"

The recent injury was on the thigh, likely caused by some Wind Release Ninjutsu. The outer side was completely cut open, with minor damage to the bone. However, the most serious issue was the infection.

Upon hearing this, Kazuno, looking at Tatsuma's frowning expression, somewhat embarrassedly said, "It was me."

"Weren't there any medical ninjas in the camp before?"

Tatsuma walked to the side, unloaded his backpack, and asked. Kazuno's face turned red, wondering if she had been expelled from the medical ninja corps without her knowledge. However, she could only admit with embarrassment:

"There are limited medical ninjas here."

Tatsuma did not dwell on her helpless explanation. He put on a mask and gloves, then took out a bundle of sealing scrolls from his backpack. After unsealing them, several bottles of antiseptic solution and hydrogen peroxide appeared.

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