Chapter 146: Network Healing

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"Summoning out a Katsuyu like Tsunade's before reaching Chakra saturation?"

Inside the command tent, upon hearing the report from his subordinate, Shimura Danzo's face showed numerous expressions. Naturally, he knew about Tsunade's Summoning beast and understood that Summoning the special Katsuyu like Tsunade did wasn't an easy task.

He just hadn't expected that Tatsuma, coming from a civilian background, could exhibit such Chakra levels to Summon a Katsuyu of that size. For a moment, Danzo recalled the blood samples he had Orochimaru research before.

Orochimaru's research concluded that everything was normal; Tatsuma and Minato were just ordinary civilian descendants. Out of trust in Orochimaru's abilities, Danzo didn't have his own research team reexamine the matter.

After all, he had already asked his research team before, but unfortunately, his team wasn't yet powerful enough to study blood traces and could only determine if someone was healthy through blood tests.

But now, looking at it, Orochimaru's research couldn't be trusted either. It's just unclear whether Orochimaru deliberately provided him with incorrect research reports or if Tatsuma at the time truly hadn't yet revealed his talent.

As Danzo pondered, his mind recalled that rumor, a talent that was similarly extraordinary, with a strong resemblance in both form and spirit, along with immense Chakra. Danzo spoke up:

"Have those remaining in the village investigate whether Sakamoto Tatsuma showed any changes during his several returns to the village, whether those around him reacted strangely to Tatsuma's presence, and... look into whether Orochimaru has any new research."

"Yes, Danzo-sama."

The ANBU operative acknowledged the orders and swiftly departed. Danzo then glanced outside the door, murmuring softly, "I am the one who inherited sensei's ninja way. If you truly have any connection to sensei, then the one who should have you is me, not that weakling Sarutobi."

Inside the medical camp, with the assistance of the split forms of Katsuyu, Tatsuma swiftly aided the injured in treating their wounds. With Katsuyu's Chakra assistance, Tatsuma didn't need to worry about triggering secondary bleeding when excising necrotic flesh; he only needed to swiftly remove, clean, and suture the wounds.

The Chakra blade formed in his hand was extremely precise; as it passed over the patients' bodies, they could only feel their flesh being cut open, with almost no sensation of pain.

After finishing the patients requiring surgical procedures, it was already late at night. Tatsuma didn't push himself and instead went to sleep. He returned to the medical camp the next day after having breakfast.

The remaining cases were not easily resolved with surgery alone. Many patients had organs or bone marrow invaded by viruses. Tsunade's antidote could neutralize toxins in the bloodstream but couldn't counter those invading internal organs.

However, antidotes were primarily designed for battlefield use. If there were medical ninjas present, such toxins weren't considered lethal. Previously, Tsunade alone had saved the lives of hundreds of heavily poisoned patients and developed various antidotes.

Tatsuma couldn't replicate the latter part, but as for the patients before him, he believed he could handle them.

As he sat on a vacant hospital bed in the medical camp, jotting down notes, Tsunade also arrived at the camp, intending to complete the work left unfinished from the previous day.

Seeing that her disciple hadn't begun treatment but seemed to be devising a treatment plan, Tsunade became curious. She approached Tatsuma and asked, "Do you not know how to treat these people?"

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