Chapter 33: Whirlpool Country's destruction

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Double release today. Enjoy!


"Anger, my friend, is the most budget-friendly method for releasing pent-up frustrations onto others. Each of us carries around a load of negative emotions just waiting for a release, and anger conveniently steps in to offer that much-needed outlet," Tatsuma expressed with a hint of resignation. It appeared that, be it in past or present lives, this facet of existence remained consistent. Tatsuma sighed and carried on, "Allow me to illustrate with an example; maybe it will resonate with you."

"If one day, strolling down the street, you come across someone less fortunate accusing an eccentric-looking individual of stealing not just any money, but the life-saving funds of a family, how would you react?"

"I would... I would be furious at the thief, undoubtedly," Minato replied. Then, raising his head abruptly, he stated, "I see it now. In reality, I'm completely in the dark about the truth of the matter. I'm just a pawn, easily swayed by emotions, blindly pointing fingers, and unjustly labeling him as a thief without having any proof."

Observing Minato's prompt response, Tatsuma nodded in satisfaction and pressed on, "Allow me to present another scenario showcasing how the collective will of a group can be manipulated and inflamed.

Picture this: a Nin-Dog from the Wind Country breaches the borders of the Land of Fire and bites a ninja cat native to the Land of Fire. In retaliation, the owner of the ninja cat eliminates the Wind Country's Nin-Dog.

Subsequently, the Wind Country insists that the Land of Fire surrender the ninja responsible for the Nin-Dog's demise, allowing the Wind Country to administer justice. Now, put yourself in the shoes of the Hokage. How would you navigate this delicate situation?"

Minato pondered for a moment and responded, "In that scenario, the Land of Fire would assert that the Nin-Dog initially posed a threat by harming the ninja cat, prompting our ninja to act in self-defense to protect the cat. We would firmly reject the notion that this was a targeted assault against the Wind Country's Nin-Dog and, consequently, decline to surrender the responsible party."

"Now, what if the Wind Country contends that they invested significant resources and funds in cultivating that Nin-Dog? With a more assertive stance, they demand not only the apprehension of the culprit but also seek compensation from the Land of Fire, citing the expenses incurred in nurturing the Nin-Dog."

Is this not simply inviting trouble? Minato pondered silently, but swiftly grasped that Tatsuma's illustration aimed to act from the perspective of the wind's country and elevate it's position for greater compensation.

Confronted with this predicament, Minato contemplated how he, as the Hokage, would navigate the situation.

"If a Nin-Dog commands such a significant investment, it surely isn't an ordinary one. Its mission in infiltrating the Land of Fire couldn't be as trivial as biting a ninja cat; there must be underlying motives, albeit foiled in advance.

In such a scenario, I would accuse this Nin-Dog of espionage and condemn the Wind Country for employing the Nin-Dog to steal classified information from our nation. Consequently, I would insist on compensation from them."

"But suppose, by some twist of fate, the news leaks in the Wind Country, and even their grassroots ninja and civilians learn that the Land of Fire was responsible for the demise of one of their Nin-Dogs. Instead of offering an apology and compensation, we assertively demand both from the Wind Country. How do you anticipate the outcome?"

At this juncture, Minato unexpectedly felt uncertain about how to proceed as the situation had swiftly transformed from a straightforward incident involving a Nin-Dog and a ninja cat into a grave diplomatic affair.

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