Chapter 164: The Genius Tatsuma

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Some news cannot be suppressed, such as the heroic feat of Tatsuma and others this time.

Heavily striking the elite forces of the Sand Ninjas, causing thousands of Sand Ninjas to lose their combat effectiveness simultaneously, forcing Chiyo and Ebizo to withdraw their troops directly back to the Land of Wind regardless of the village's opinion.

Inside the office of the Tsuchikage in the Hidden Rock Village.

Onoki looked at the battle report in his hand, his face extremely solemn, his large nose and chest rising and falling together, big and small.

"I underestimated Sarutobi Hiruzen's three disciples, as well as Konoha's White Fang and Dragon. They are truly remarkable."

Onoki, who has always been dismissive in his speech, surprisingly sounded somewhat admiring.


Beside him, Kitsuchi, who was retrieving documents from a tall cabinet, accidentally bumped into a nearby low cabinet, and the ornaments on the low cabinet instantly crashed to the ground.

Seeing the clumsy appearance of his own son, Onoki sighed and looked back at the report. Unconsciously, a hint of envy appeared in his eyes.

That boy named Sakamoto Tatsuma, he's even younger than his son, only ten years old, yet he's capable of scheming to trap thousands of Sand Ninjas. Such talent, such ability, and he's from Konoha of all places.

After retrieving the documents and picking up the ornaments from the ground, Kitsuchi placed the documents on his father's desk and said somewhat indifferently, "It's not that remarkable, is it? They only heavily injured over a thousand Sand Ninjas, and the ones actually killed are just over a hundred.

Even if they were injured, even if thousands of Ninja died, Hidden Sand Village could quickly adjust, no matter how impoverished, right?"

Onoki glanced at his son with disappointment and said, "If they had truly killed over a thousand Ninja, Hidden Sand Village could indeed adjust quickly. But by sparing their lives, that's what's truly brilliant!"


Kitsuchi found it somewhat difficult to understand; after all, isn't death more serious than injury? Onoki remembered that Sarutobi Hiruzen seemed to have a habit of smoking, and suddenly he felt like having a smoke himself.

Compared to the young people of Konoha, Kitsuchi was still too mediocre. Onoki sighed and said:

"For a thousand severely injured Sand Ninjas, do you know how many medical Ninja it takes to care for them? And the formula for the antidote, even if Konoha dares to provide it, Hidden Sand Village wouldn't dare to use it directly, it must be verified.

This would require a considerable amount of time, energy, and funds. At the same time, controlling the degree of poisoning in these wounded is also a huge expense.

Even if Hidden Sand Village successfully develops an antidote, after dragging it out for so long, even if they are cured, how much combat effectiveness can they regain?

If their combat effectiveness does not recover well, or they are unable to continue as Ninja, Hidden Sand Village still has to support them until they grow old."

"Do you think Konoha left the lives of over a thousand Ninja to Hidden Sand Village? No, they sent over a thousand burdens to Hidden Sand Village!

Moreover, Hidden Sand Village still has to expend resources to treat them. If they abandon these over a thousand Sand Ninjas, then who will dare to become Ninja for Hidden Sand Village in the future? Who will dare to sacrifice themselves for Hidden Sand Village on the battlefield?"

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