Chapter 116: Famous Training Camp

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Upon hearing the words of the female ninja, Tatsuma's expression showed some confusion. He had never seen this female ninja before and didn't know who she was. As two strangers, he wondered what they had to talk about.

This wasn't like the world of the previous life, where if you hit it off with someone, you could ask for their contact information. Besides, even in the previous life, they were not of the same age.

Tatsuma was only nine years old this year, while this female ninja looked to be around thirty. However, Tatsuma quickly guessed that perhaps this female ninja was the one Hyuga Itsuki had mentioned, who had always loved Hyuga Miyako.

Thinking of this, Tatsuma walked towards the female ninja, approaching her, and after bowing, he asked, "May I ask what business miss has with me?"

"You can call me Aunt Fuzi, I'm considered a member of the Sento family."

Hyuga Fuzi stood up and walked towards the house. Tatsuma followed her inside. It was a tea room, and Fuzi calmly began to boil water and prepare tea.

After living in this world for several years, Tatsuma had never experienced such a slow-paced life, especially after months on the battlefield, making it difficult for him to adapt to this leisurely lifestyle.

For quite some time, Fuzi watched Tatsuma take a sip of tea before slowly speaking, "Sento has now become a member of the main family, but his heart is sadder than anyone else's.

And there are some unfavorable opinions within the clan, saying that he must be secretly rejoicing because of Miyako's death. After all, he no longer needs to bear the Caged Bird Seal. Do you know what the Caged Bird Seal is?"

Tatsuma nodded. Seeing that Tatsuma understood, Fuzi also nodded gently, skipping the explanation and continued, "That child lost his father and his uncle, who also cherished him, yet he is being criticized for supposedly rejoicing over it.

In the eyes of the branch family members, the status of the main family may seem lofty, or perhaps enviable, and they might indeed be happy. But for Sento, he has merely moved from one cage to another."

The so-called main family is just as obliged to be close to the clan leader and the heir, always prepared to sacrifice for the family's sake.

The branch families, marked with the Caged Bird Seal, protect the main family, while the main family without the seal still must safeguard the clan leader and their successor. But aren't these clan leaders and their heirs, surrounded and restricted, also caged birds?

As an outsider, Tatsuma didn't know what to say. He could only awkwardly sip his tea, feeling that meddling in family affairs was already challenging, let alone as a mere passerby.

Fuzi seemed to realize she had veered off-topic. After serving Tatsuma some tea, she said, "Thank you for your suggestion today. Perhaps leaving this clan territory, Sento can find temporary peace.

If possible, please become friends with Sento."

"Sure, I will," Tatsuma nodded, lifting his teacup once again. He didn't know what else to say. His current situation felt as awkward as when an elementary school student is approached by a classmate's mom saying, "My child is a bit shy, could you play with them more?"

Fuzi noticed Tatsuma's restlessness and realized something. She spoke up, saying, "Sento can now also learn various Taijutsu techniques from the Hyuga Clan.

If you can learn something while training with Sento, don't hesitate. While the Hyuga Clan values its traditions, it doesn't prohibit others from using our Gentle Fist technique."

Upon hearing this, Tatsuma's spirits lifted instantly. He finally understood why Itsuki and Hiruzen both emphasized his visit to the Hyuga Clan.

Visiting Sento wasn't the key; the key was that the Hyuga Clan was giving him a "Pass" one that allowed him to learn and use the Hyuga Eight Trigrams Gentle Fist technique.

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