Chapter 126: Fast Growth

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At the Senju Clan compound, Uzumaki Mito, upon learning that her granddaughter had arrived in the village today, rarely left her house. She waited outside in the veranda, basking in the sun.

"Is that Tatsuma and Minato?" Suddenly, Uzumaki Mito frowned. She could sense the chakra of both individuals, but Tatsuma's chakra left her puzzled. Compared to over three months ago when Tatsuma's chakra was like a teacup-sized mass, it now seemed as vast as two "huge" teacups.

Of course, Uzumaki Mito measured chakra quantities based on her own chakra levels, akin to evaluating a basin of water. Although Tatsuma's current chakra quantity was still insignificant in her eyes, it had almost doubled compared to Tatsuma himself.

In just three months, Tatsuma's transformation had exceeded Uzumaki Mito's expectations. Compared to Minato, who had hardly changed at all in the past three months, Tatsuma's transformation was like night and day.

Tatsuma was also surprised by the growth of his chakra quantity. He originally thought that a thirty percent increase would be good enough, but it ended up doubling instead. The amount of chakra he could now access was almost reaching the requirement for a jonin.

Of course, his refining speed and body recovery speed were still far from that of a jonin. While a jonin could refine chakra four or five times a day, Tatsuma's current refining speed and body recovery speed only allowed him to refine once.

Furthermore, this portion of chakra was not recorded in the system panel. On the system panel, Tatsuma's "Spirit" realization level was still over four thousand, and the additional amplification was not included.

His strength had also increased by almost double, even though it was only during bursts. Nevertheless, it was enough to make Tatsuma happy.

Recently, Tatsuma had a feeling that other ninjas, or rather, other jonin-level ninjas, might also have similar talent enhancements to some extent, but they might not have discovered it yet.

For example, Minato, who originally outpaced Tatsuma in terms of thinking speed. He didn't need to force himself to think faster. However, in the past few days, because his thinking speed couldn't keep up, Minato's body and consciousness were unconsciously undergoing changes.

Three days ago, during Minato's sparring sessions with him, their mental duels could only last for about fifty to sixty rounds. However, this morning, just before entering the village for the final rest, Minato was able to keep up for over a hundred rounds.

Tatsuma's advantage lay in being able to see his own talents and progress, along with the additional amplification. This invisible talent, which would be latent in others, he could directly perceive and activate, something other ninja couldn't achieve.

Take Minato, for example. He has always used Tatsuma as a reference point. When he realizes that he has caught up with Tatsuma in a certain ability, he unconsciously slows down in that area to focus on improving other aspects.

However, once Minato becomes aware that he lags behind Tatsuma in a certain ability, his talent can fully come into play, allowing him to progress faster and catch up with Tatsuma.

Tatsuma believes that given Minato some time, abilities reliant on physique, like chakra quantity and strength, might not improve as quickly, but his thinking speed feels like it could catch up again very soon.

The two of them chatted as they quickly arrived at the depths of the Senju clan's territory. Since they were already in the village, they didn't use Sensory Jutsi to survey the surrounding environment. As a result, when they unexpectedly saw Uzumaki Mito staring straight at them in the courtyard, they were startled.

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