Chapter 127: Side Effects

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Nawaki didn't notice the contemplation and worry on the faces of the two. He just cheered up himself, saying loudly, "Decided! Since I can't go to the battlefield, let's train well in the village! Let's start with 5,000 weighted frog jumps. If I can't finish, then I'll switch to 3,000 weighted handstand push-ups!"

As he spoke, Nawaki even hopped in place, causing the little Might Guy on his back to sway back and forth, his big head bobbing, causing concern that he might get hurt.

Tatsuma said, "Be careful. Brother Duy is busy every day. He trusts you to take care of his son. If he gets hurt, it would betray Brother Duy's trust."

"No problem! I'll protect him with my life! That's what youth is all about, right, Guy?"

Nawaki turned his head, looking at the giggling Might Guy. Might Guy's two little fists were tightly clenched before, but now both thumbs were raised, his mouth wide open, albeit toothless. Otherwise, he'd be another Konoha's White Fang.

"See, I was right!" Seeing Might Guy's reaction, Nawaki said triumphantly. However, before training, he still placed Might Guy aside in a basket made of reeds, which Uchiha Tenko had given him, saying it was a cat bed.

Tatsuma, seeing Might Guy lying in the cat bed and starting to throw punches, no longer paid attention and instead turned to Minato, saying, "It's the first time I've seen someone persuaded to fight."

Minato nodded as well, his face showing some difficulty. Their mission was very strange.

Because they knew about the progress of the negotiations, both of them knew that war would break out again soon. They were prepared to go to the battlefield at any time, and even their backpacks at home were ready to go, so they could leave at any moment.

But this mission wasn't about sending them to the front lines to fight, nor was it about accompanying reconnaissance or intelligence-gathering teams. Instead, they were to go to the Land of Iron and convince the Iron Country's general to send troops to fight against the Land of Rain.

Moreover, it wasn't about fighting against the invading forces from the Land of Rain within the Iron Country itself. Instead, they were to mobilize the samurai army, cross countries like the Land of Fields and the Land of Grass, and reach the border between the Land of Rain and the Land of Grass, where they would directly confront the Land of Rain.

If successful, convincing the Land of Iron to send troops to the Land of Grass to resist the Land of Rain would be very beneficial for Konoha. After all, if the Land of Rain were to march from the Land of Grass all the way to the Land of Iron, even if they failed to capture the Land of Iron, the resources and population of the countries in between would contribute to the rapid development of the Land of Rain in the future.

Even if the Land of Rain were to successfully occupy the territories of these countries, excluding the Land of Iron, with Hanzo's capabilities and given another ten years of development, the Land of Rain could indeed grow to the size of the Five Great Nations.

At the very least, catching up to the Land of Wind would not be a problem.

The current geopolitical situation in the shinobi world has persisted for almost forty years. The Five Great Nations certainly do not want a sudden emergence of a Sixth Great Nation to compete for shinobi world resources with them.

Furthermore, Hanzo, unlike the leaders of the Five Great Nations, did not seek to expand his influence. Senju Hashirama was willing to settle for a small territory and cooperate with the feudal lords, respecting their rights. This led to the formation of the one country, one village system.

This system influenced the decisions of the other four nations when establishing hidden villages, resulting in the feudal lords and village leaders of the Five Great Nations jointly building a system of one country, one village. However, this method actually constrained their resources and rights.

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