Chapter 125: Two More Talents

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"Tatsuma is changing. He's starting to think during battles."

While others saw Tatsuma and Minato's duel as a diversion during their journey, Orochimaru initially thought the same. However, after a few glances, he suddenly noticed something off.

No, not off, but rather too perfect! Tatsuma's previous choices in combat, in Orochimaru's view, had hints of recklessness, but he would never commend it because Tatsuma was too aggressive.

Even during the battle with the Iwa-nin three days ago, Tatsuma hadn't corrected this flaw. But today was different. Tatsuma's choices in combat almost perfectly matched the scenarios Orochimaru had envisioned in his mind.

"That's the way to do it! Rational."

"Very rational," Orichimaru couldn't help but praise.

In the past few rounds, both Tatsuma's choices and Minato's responses were almost identical to what Orochimaru had imagined, making him extremely comfortable watching.

This feeling is like having some surreal scenes in the mind, which are difficult for to describe and impossible to see similar scenes in reality.

But suddenly, one day, there was a special effects artist who created such visuals, magnificent and shocking, completely in line with your aesthetic and imagination.

Orochimaru's commentary also caught the attention of Tsunade and Jiraiya beside him. As they watched the sparring of the two students, their eyes were filled with amazement.

A street fight was hard to watch, but the combat guided by the two martial artists was absolutely delightful. The previous Tatsuma and Minato were like a street fighter meeting a martial artist.

Minato's elaborate designs would be disrupted by Tatsuma's aggressive style, making it impossible to see the intricacies. But now, Tatsuma has also become a martial artist, and their combat is like a well-designed sequence.

Tsunade suddenly looked displeased at Orochimaru and said, "Why didn't you remind Tatsuma earlier, that little devil? If he had awakened earlier, maybe he wouldn't have been so aggressive."

Orochimaru: ???!!!

Orochimaru looked at Tsunade with a puzzled expression, as if he were examining an abstract artwork. He wanted to point at Tsunade's face and shout, "Sister, isn't that your student? Why didn't you remind him yourself instead of waiting for me to remind him?!"

Fortunately, at this moment, Jiraiya spoke up, saying, "Tatsuma's competitiveness is too strong. He hasn't suffered losses before, so even if he's reminded, he won't listen. It's only now that he's been injured more often that he's started to become cautious and listen."

All three of them felt that Tatsuma's change was due to Orochimaru's previous reminders. After all, given Tatsuma's level of performance over the years, no one would think he's mediocre.

Even Tsunade, who had previously thought Tatsuma was mediocre, had long forgotten her initial judgment. And since Tatsuma is a genius, the fact that he figured all this out in just three days still seemed absurd, but somehow more acceptable.

"What other problems do they have? You should go remind them quickly. Maybe they can make more progress," Tsunade nudged Orochimaru's arm with the back of her hand, her eyes fixed on the two's duel. Orochimaru's expression softened slightly, but he still said, "The remaining issues are not something they can solve at their age."

Jiraiya nodded and said, "Orochimaru is right. These two brats are barely nine, let alone ten. They haven't even entered puberty yet, their physical growth is too slow, and their Chakra levels can't increase rapidly."

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