Chapter 51: 6 Months Time Skip

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Tatsuma's quest to master the Shadow Clone Jutsu ended in failure, much to hiss disappointment. The pervy sage attributed his refusal to Tatsuma's potential misuse of the technique, which could inflict severe harm upon his own body.

Undoubtedly, the Shadow Clone Jutsu stands as a formidable asset for supplemental training. Through this technique, a clone acquires the cognitive prowess of its creator, enabling it to absorb Ninjutsu knowledge with remarkable efficiency. When the clone dissipates due to chakra depletion, its experiences seamlessly merge back into the original, ensuring a continuous learning process.

However, amidst these advantages lie the burdens of exhaustion and the strain of heightened memories. While adults may withstand the double fatigue, for two young bodies merely eight years of age, such demands would inevitably impede their growth.

Jiraiya harbored particular concern, understanding the unwavering determination of these two young individuals in their pursuit of mastery. He foresaw that once they grasped the Shadow Clone Jutsu, they would not settle for creating a solitary clone to aid in their learning.

As the fatigue escalated to triple, quadruple, or beyond, the still-developing physiques of these two would buckle under the weight of such strain.

However, Tatsuma's inability to master the Shadow Clone Jutsu didn't dampen his ardor for learning. He remained the same fervently studious individual, characterized by his fierce competitive spirit, earning him the moniker "little devil."

He engaged in a friendly rivalry with Minato, wagering on who could master Ninjutsu and Nature Transformation quicker. Furthermore, he struck a deal with Jiraiya, vowing to surpass the sage's own youthful learning pace. Each day, he dedicated himself wholeheartedly to rigorous training.

After six months of relentless dedication, Tatsuma achieved significant milestones. He successfully mastered the two C-rank Fire Release Ninjutsu and two C-rank Wind Release Ninjutsu. Additionally, he demonstrated proficiency in C-rank Genjutsu and mastered the inscription seal, a C-rank Sealing Jutsu, among others.

He also delved into Sensory and Taijutsu knowledge. Interestingly, these Taijutsu techniques proved to be technically simpler in terms of physical execution than the simplified martial arts he had practiced extensively during his university days.

However, despite mastering the techniques through consistent training alongside Minato, Tatsuma recognized that this alone didn't constitute true Taijutsu mastery as it lacked significant refinement.

Aware of the importance of Jiraiya's Taijutsu teachings, which incorporated Chakra utilization, Tatsuma approached them with earnestness. His goal extended beyond mere replication; he aimed to comprehend the nuances of Taijutsu in the ninja world, intending to tailor a set of techniques that would suit his unique style and abilities.

Throughout this six-month period, Tatsuma's focus extended beyond mere acquisition of knowledge; he maintained an unwavering commitment to honing his eight Ninja attributes.

Distinguishing himself from his peers, Tatsuma possessed a keen sense of discernment regarding the optimal duration for daily skill practice, ensuring each session balanced progress and plateaus.

Presently, Tatsuma's innate talents have all attained the Chunin standard, allowing for a daily improvement period of 2-3 points. Upon reaching a proficiency increase of 2 points in a specific talent, he promptly transitions to refining other skills.

Tatsuma discovered through experimentation that once a talent reaches its fulfillment and enters a plateau, additional time invested in it during the same day proves futile.

Instead of persevering in such endeavors, he found it more effective to allocate the remaining time towards cultivating other talents still in their improvement phases. Barring any external factors, Tatsuma can successfully cycle through training for all eight Ninja attributes each day.

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