Chapter 108: Intuition

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Tatsuma, belatedly, understood Orochimaru's concerns. It wasn't that he lacked intelligence; rather, it was his personality. He could discern the evil in human nature but didn't believe that humanity was inherently wicked. He certainly didn't think that every situation was a result of "some malicious individuals plotting against us."

After leaving, Tatsuma had a brief conversation with Uchiha Fugaku and Minato. He didn't mention Orochimaru's attitude but simply informed them that Orochimaru was aware of the situation and had briefed Fugaku on the temporary arrangements from Orochimaru.

When Uchiha Fugaku heard about the need to take care of the wounded in the rear, he showed no inclination to comply. Without much thought, he outright refused. After all, he wasn't a medical ninja, had no interest in tending to the injured, and knew that doing so wouldn't earn him any favor with others. There would only be whispers behind his back, questioning whether the Uchiha had ulterior motives or if he was incompetent.

Uchiha Fugaku had been experiencing this for a long time and was well aware of the biases against the Uchiha in the village. It was impossible for him to put himself in a position where he would face criticism while gaining no goodwill from others.

Tatsuma didn't insist, so after bidding farewell, he joined Minato at the rear to assist the medical team. The person in charge of the medical team at this time was still Kazuno of the Mitokado clan, who was clueless about how to handle wounds.

Upon seeing Tatsuma express his intention to temporarily join the medical team, Kazuno was so grateful that she almost cried. She directly handed over the command of the medical team, which she had never properly used before.

"Tatsuma, start by stitching me up. I got cut on my buttocks!"

"Tatsuma, ignore Hafu, that jerk. He claims to have constipation every day, and getting cut on the butt is the perfect solution to this problem. Treat me first."

Seeing Tatsuma take out medical equipment, the injured ninjas spoke up one after another. As a disciple of Tsunade and having assisted at the medical camp before, many of them knew Tatsuma.

Although Tatsuma emphasized multiple times that he was not a medical ninja, his medical skills had gained their recognition. Perhaps not as proficient as Tsunade and the village's Utatane Koharu, but certainly way better than Mitokado Kazuno.

In the field of clinical practice, Tatsuma's skills are indeed commendable. After all, combining surgical sutures with the Mystical Palm Jutsu can address the majority of external injuries. If needed, he can even enlist the help of Katsuyu.

When Tsunade mentioned specializing in Medical Ninjutsu, she wasn't referring to the everyday clinical application of Medical Ninjutsu. Instead, it pertains to tackling complex conditions such as various injuries, bloodline diseases, and even mental traumas.

As for Medical Ninjutsu targeted at common external injuries, isn't that something one can learn effortlessly? What kind of specialization is that?

Facing the enthusiasm of the injured, Tatsuma revealed his infectious smile. In terms of medical care, he seemed to outshine his sensei by a significant margin.

Tatsuma summoned Katsuyu to assist in the treatment, and Minato joined in. Observing Minato's proficient techniques and the application of Mystical Palm Jutsu, the injured individuals realized that this delivery guy was more than just a delivery guy.

The same person who delivered piping hot boxed meals every day and thoughtfully wished them an enjoyable meal turned out to possess such remarkable medical skills.

However, under the reflection of these two youngsters, Mitokado Kazuno, serving as the head of the medical team, looked at the increasingly peculiar expressions of the injured individuals, and she genuinely felt like crying.

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