Chapter 120: No Right Or Wrong

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The rare relaxation of New Year's Eve was suddenly interrupted by an unexpected distress signal, causing all the support teams lurking within the Land of Rain to become tense and rush towards the signal source.

"Can you keep up? If you can't, don't force it. Just focus on your own safety."

Before departing, Captain Aburame looked at Tatsuma and Minato. He leaned towards advising them not to go. After all, if they rushed into battle immediately upon arrival, and if Tatsuma and Minato struggled to keep up but were unable to fight effectively upon arrival, it would only increase the danger.

However, upon hearing the question, both Tatsuma and Minato immediately shook their heads. After all, it was their sensei who sent the distress signal.

Seeing this, Captain Aburame did not insist further. After all, seeking assistance was a matter of urgency, and there was no time to persuade others.

The team also didn't bother to conceal their tracks. With so many people in the group, they were bound to be exposed. Trying to conceal their presence would be futile. It was better to save time and reach their destination as soon as possible.

Everyone formed hand seals simultaneously and activated the Body Flicker Jutsu, following behind Captain Aburame. Captain Aburame held a device resembling a Dragon Ball detector, adjusting the direction as he watched the small blinking light on the crude screen.

Tatsuma and Minato struggled to keep up without falling behind. Along the way, they rendezvoused with several other lurking teams.

From night until dawn, during breaks in his sensory duties, Tatsuma could sense a large concentration of chakra gathering in the distance. The support teams were already in a state of readiness, clearly prepared to engage in combat at a moment's notice.

Meanwhile, inside a cave, Tsunade was treating Jiraiya's injuries sustained from their pursuit of battle.

Such was the nature of the battlefield; those already injured were more susceptible to further harm, often leading to fatal consequences.

The cave continued to shake as it endured the onslaught from the Hidden Rock Village ninjas. The continuous barrage of ninjutsu attacks dimmed Orochimaru's eyes with each passing moment.

"Give it up, Tsunade."

Finally, hoarse and cold words came from his mouth as he looked at Tsunade, who still refused to stop. He said, "The attacks from the Hidden Rock Village will eventually break through this mountain. If you want to escape, there can be no hesitation. Right now, you and I must leave."

"What about Jiraiya?" Tsunade said, discontented.

Orochimaru pursed his lips and replied, "Trying to take Jiraiya, injured as he is, is simply impossible."

"That's why I need to treat him."

"Tsunade, this is war. We cannot let personal feelings decrease our chances."

"What chances?" Tsunade asked, turning to Orochimaru. Orochimaru looked at Tsunade's anxious face and said, "The chance of survival and the chance of completing the mission. In our current situation, escaping alive with one person is impossible. Perhaps with two people it might be possible, but with three people, it's certain death."

Listening to Orochimaru's increasingly cold expression, Tsunade's anxiety turned to shock. She knew Orochimaru treated emotions more indifferently than most, but how could he be so indifferent? These were teammates, these were friends.


Stared at by Tsunade, Orochimaru finally averted his gaze and said, "Killing Jiraiya, killing a teammate, that's something I'll take care of. Once there's no one left to save, you'll be willing to leave, right?"

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