Chapter 106: Having Children Might Not Always Be A Blessing

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"Kunugi Mokume-sama?"

Tatsuma's mood didn't fluctuate as much as Minato's did. Instead, he turned to look at the person commanding the two of them, who was none other than Kunugi Mokume, one of the young elite in the village and a well-known Jonin.

Kunugi Mokume nodded slightly, wearing a somewhat foolish smile as he spoke, "I heard that both of you are skilled in Ninja Tool Throwing. Would you like to join the tool department? Or perhaps accompany the teams led by Hyuga or Uchiha for the extermination and defense missions on the outskirts of the battlefield?"

Upon hearing this, Tatsuma and Minato exchanged a glance, both understanding the meaning behind Kunugi Mokume's words. It meant that they were still unable to participate in direct combat on the front lines.

It wasn't a matter of strength; after all, the team had now become a Ninja army with plenty of Genin. If Genin could participate in direct combat, there was no reason why Tatsuma and Minato, also Genin, couldn't.

The reason lay in the fact that the village, or rather the Elders of the army, did not want them to participate in direct combat. Instead, they had planned safer paths for them, either through the tool department or wondering in the outskirts.

The tool department is mainly responsible for medium-range firepower coverage and support. With Jonin Kunugi Mokume leading, protecting the two of them is quite simple. As for wondering, it offers even greater flexibility.

The battles of the Ninja army resemble conventional warfare in the eyes of ordinary people. In the previous jungle battles, although they could better utilize their abilities as Ninjas, weren't as bloody as real hean on collision between two armies.

However, to determine the outcome of a war, there must be powerful battles with significant casualties on one or both sides. Therefore, after more than a week of probing, the Wind and Fire nations have now transitioned into traditional battle mode.

But this doesn't mean that small-scale jungle battles will simply disappear. The outskirts of the battlefield are crucial for support, supply, and intelligence transmission, tasks that also require Ninjas to execute.

The level of danger is not low, but if these tasks are handled by the Hyuga Clan and the Uchiha Clan, then it's a different story altogether.

Tatsuma and Minato have been given special consideration. Minato himself doesn't have any particular thoughts, so he signals Tatsuma to decide.

After pondering for a moment, Tatsuma replied, "Kunugi Mokume-sama, please assign us to the outskirts of the battlefield. I believe that would be more suitable for us."

Upon hearing this, Kunugi Mokume scrutinized the two once again. Although having Uchiha and Hyuga ninjas with them would reduce the level of danger, it was still more perilous compared to the ninja tool team.

However, Orochimaru had given them the choice, and whichever they chose was their freedom. Kunugi Mokume nodded and said, "Alright, I'll go talk to them."

After saying that, Kunugi Mokume turned and left. In a short while, he returned and said, "The Uchiha team has fewer members. Are you willing to join them, or do you prefer the Hyuga team?"

"Let's go with Uchiha."

Seeing the two make a choice, Kunugi Mokume led them to the Uchiha team. After a brief introduction, he left, and the ninja legion began to march.

Tatsuma assessed Uchiha Fugaku, who was leading the team, as he was indeed a "talent." Not any could give birth to two brothers like Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke.

Uchiha Fugaku also noticed Tatsuma's gaze, but he seemed to have some misunderstanding. There was a hint of unwillingness in his eyes, but he calmly said, "The Hyuga team leans towards reconnaissance, while we Uchiha undertake more dangerous elimination missions."

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