Chapter 17: Learning From Jiraiya

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In the third training ground, Tatsuma and Minato perched on weathered wooden stumps, their attention fixed on Jiraiya standing before them. With a casual air, he began, "Now, when it comes to weaving Ninjutsu with hair, I've conjured up a pair so far. Naturally, I'm still toying around with a few more. The first, I've dubbed Needle Jizo, and the second is what I call the Wild Lion's Mane Jutsu. Both come with a hefty B-rank learning curve, a bit too steep for you two at this juncture."

The challenges posed by these two Ninjutsu techniques revolve around dual aspects. The initial hurdle lies in mastering Chakra control, demanding an intricate finesse to infuse Chakra into the individual strands of hair. The more precise the manipulation of Chakra, the greater the flexibility attained in the released Ninjutsu.

The second challenge concerns the quantity of Chakra involved. Needle Jizo, Wild Lion's Mane Jutsu, and the majority of Ninjutsu all share a common thread: the potency and reach of the jutsu hinge on the amount of Chakra seamlessly woven by the user.

When it comes to refining Chakra control, there are training methods at your disposal, like tree climbing and water walking. By the way, are you familiar with the intricacies of tree climbing and water walking training?"

Jiraiya inquired, and Tatsuma and Minato gave affirmative nods. Given Tatsuma's transmigrator background, he naturally possessed the knowledge, and Minato had gleaned the information from Tatsuma. Their acknowledgment momentarily surprised Jiraiya.

Reflecting on his own past, Jiraiya couldn't help but acknowledge that, at their age, he himself had been somewhat in the dark about Chakra. His attempts at Chakra refining were, to put it bluntly, chaotic, not to mention the intricacies of training techniques like tree climbing and water walking.

However, learning that both Tatsuma and Minato were already acquainted with the concept spared him the need for elaborate explanations. Jiraiya carried on, "Since you're already in the loop, I won't delve into the details. Let's shift our focus to the aspect of Chakra quantity."

You ought to be aware that Chakra stems from the fusion of physical and spiritual energy. Therefore, if you aim to amplify your Chakra reserves, the fundamental requirement is to bolster the strength of both body and mind.

For the physical aspect, engage in Taijutsu training. Regarding the mind, its fortitude can be gradually reinforced through pursuits like learning, reading, contemplation, and gaining diverse experiences.

Becoming a formidable ninja demands resilience in both physique and mind. Furthermore, this isa prerequisite for unleashing potent Ninjutsu – not only for my techniques but also for numerous others."

Observing the duo listening with keen attention and evident engagement, Jiraiya felt an inexplicable sense of satisfaction. Allowing a brief pause for the two to absorb his words, Jiraiya continued:

"Now, it's time for you to witness the might of Ninjutsu – something you won't find in textbooks."

With those words, Jiraiya gracefully vaulted into the air, elegantly flicking his long locks before striking a pose that defied easy description. Without delay, he began weaving hand seals and exclaimed, "Ninja Art! Needle Jizo!"

The moment Jiraiya completed the intricate hand movements, his already waist-length white hair erupted in growth, rapidly enveloping his form to create a protective cocoon. Simultaneously, a portion of it swiftly delved into the earth below.

"Thud, thud, thud~"

Suddenly, strands of hair emerged from the soil surrounding the wooden stumps beneath Tatsuma and Minato, resembling Senbon needles as they skillfully pierced into the stumps.

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