Chapter 61: The Senju Clan Is Full Of Fat Sheep!

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Tsunade sighed as she covered her forehead. Although she had very little interaction with Tatsuma, she knew about his strong desire for victory. Two years ago, she witnessed Tatsuma getting injured for the sake of a final assessment.

However, she didn't expect that, after two years, Tatsuma remained the same. His personality had not changed at all.

Moreover, Tsunade cast a pitying glance at the back of her brother's head. Her brother had many good qualities, but he lacked talent and was reckless.

A few days ago, Tsunade had tested both Tatsuma and Minato. Although they didn't use all their abilities, even their physical and Taijutsu skills were beyond Nawaki's comparison.

As for Nawaki, this brother of hers was suppressed in the Academy, dominated at home by his sister, and in recent years, even Kushina was suppressing him. Could Nawaki, who couldn't even defeat Kushina, stand a chance against Tatsuma and Minato, who had defeated Kushina multilpe times without breaking a sweat?

Yet, Tsunade showed no intention of stopping him because she knew her brother wasn't so fragile. Despite repeated defeats, his resilience in battle was his best quality.

In just a moment, Nawaki and Tatsuma had assumed their stances, activating the Seal of Confrontation. Nawaki spoke, "Are you ready?"

This question caught Tatsuma off guard for a moment, as he was usually the one delivering lines when initiating the Seal of Confrontation. However, Tatsuma quickly regained his composure and smiled, saying, "Indeed, inheriting the most orthodox will of fire from the Senju Clan. Even in practical combat training, you are mindful of your fellow villagers. However, I hope you will be more serious, otherwise I will win too quickly."

Nawaki found the first half of Tatsuma's statement amusing, but the second half made him furrow his brows. Deliberately lowering his tone and mimicking Orochimaru's manner of speaking, Nawaki retorted, "Hmph, spare me the big words."

"Then, let's begin!" As Tatsuma spoke, Nawaki immediately launched an attack, rushing forward to close the distance with Tatsuma. With a swift step, he executed a straight kick toward Tatsuma.

On the sidelines, Tsunade shifted her gaze away. She couldn't bear to watch her brother with such a meagre skill level. Even the Tatsuma from two and a half years ago, who was thin and weak, could counter this level of skill easily with his techniques.

However, Tatsuma had not anticipated Nawaki's straightforward approach. Instead of starting with probing moves, Nawaki went straight for high-risk, full-force techniques.

Given Nawaki's current airborne state, countering him was too simple. However, to give Nawaki some face, Tatsuma didn't intend to end it with just one move.

He immediately caught Nawaki's kicking leg his left hand, simultaneously pushing horizontally with his right hand. Although the speed wasn't fast, when combined with Nawaki's charging momentum, the palm strike sent Nawaki crashing solidly to the ground.

Having landed firmly, Nawaki grimaced as he climbed back up from the ground. However, he seemed unaware of the gap between their abilities. Once the discomfort from the impact had subsided, Nawaki launched another attack.

Again, with rapid strides, he sprinted towards Tatsuma. Upon closing the distance, he soared into the air and delivered a superman punch towards Tatsuma.

"Do you enjoy flying so much?"

With a silent comment, Tatsuma immediately seized Nawaki's fist, turned, and exerted force, sending the airborne Nawaki flying.


This impact was heavier than the previous one. As Nawaki landed on the ground, he twitched and contorted like a freshly animated zombie, rigidly convulsing and wailing.

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