Chapter 153: Fruits Of Diligent Labor Are Not As Great As Playing Tricks

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Seeing the spread of the Poison Mist, Zaren's expression turned extremely ugly. During this time, their Hanzo-sama had been engaged in battles with the warriors of the Land of Iron on the northeastern border of the Land of Rain for a long time. They hadn't seen Hanzo-sama for a while, so they had taken off their gas masks.

When facing the Konoha Ninjas, Konoha's straightforward and honest way of fighting, which didn't seem like that of a ninja, made them feel completely unnecessary to wear gas masks. Even in their recent missions, few of them carried gas masks.

But they never expected to encounter Sand Ninjas today. The use of poison is one of the important tactics of the Sand Ninjas. However, the team led by Zaren had never fought against Sand Ninjas before, after all, it wasn't their mission. Therefore, they were caught off guard for a moment.

Holding their breath, they rushed out of the range covered by the Poison Mist. Zaren took a gas mask from one of the rare subordinates who carried one, put it on, and looked extremely grim as he gazed at the center of the Poison Mist.

That Sand Ninja, with half of his face covered by a scarf, seemed not to have dashed out of the Poison Mist.

This made Zaren couldn't help but wonder, whether this Katakuri wasn't afraid of the Poison Mist, or if his original intention was to die together with them, and now, after failing, he felt ashamed and wanted to commit suicide?

"You guys are indeed cautious and vigilant, but also sensitive and timid at the same time."

A voice came from within the Poison Mist, disguised as the Sand Ninja Tatsuma, walked out. There were slight traces of purplish-black stains on his clothes and on the scarf, but he showed no concern at all.

This appearance of his made Zaren observe him carefully. Soon, his expression turned even uglier. Those purplish-black mists, far from being Poison Mist, were clearly carbon powder.

They were actually scared off collectively by a few tubes of carbon powder. This made many Rain Ninjas feel a sense of humiliation and anger, including Zaren. He drew a Kunai and glared angrily at Tatsuma.


The next moment, his figure vanished, executing an extremely skilled Body Flicker Jutsu, appearing beside Tatsuma. The Kunai thrust toward Tatsuma at lightning speed, forcing Tatsuma to slightly tilt his neck and eyes, barely keeping up with his movement.

However, his body couldn't match Zaren's speed at all. Seeing the Kunai getting closer and closer to Tatsuma's throat, Zaren even saw, just one second later, the wretched guy being killed by himself.

"I'm not dead yet, isn't it a bit too much to dare touch my subordinates?"

A deliberately deep voice sounded in Zaren's ear, even in the high-speed movement of Body Flicker, he was unable to prevent this voice from getting closer and closer to him.

Danger! Zaren wanted to retreat, but his body needed a little reaction time. However, the white-haired ninja wearing the Great Tengu mask, seemingly unwilling to give him this chance, Zaren watched helplessly as he placed his hand on Zaren's elbow.


The Kunai that was supposed to pierce Tatsuma's neck only brushed past his scarf, cutting through the layers of fabric. Although aware of the dangerous enemy beside him, Zaren's gaze involuntarily focused on Tatsuma's face, about to be revealed.

Zaren knew that with his strength, it was highly unlikely that he could force the ninja beside him wearing the Great Tengu mask to take it off. The ninja with the cat-faced mask had disappeared without a trace. He could only focus on remembering the face of this ninja called Katakuri.

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