Chapter 79: First Kill And Rasengan

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After separating from Hyuga Kai, Tatsuma quickly headed towards the camp with Hyuga Miyako on his back, occasionally looking back.

The frequency of the fire on that side was decreasing, indicating that the battle was coming to an end. However, the battlefield was gradually shifting towards the direction of the Land of Fire camp, making Tatsuma's expression extremely grim.

This meant that the Konoha Ninjas on this side might be on the losing end, retreating step by step.

Hyuga Miyako, weak on Tatsuma's shoulder, opened his eyes and said, "You are Tatsuma, mentioned by both Sento and Kai, right?"

"Miyako-sama, it's better for you not to talk. Although I've stopped the bleeding, your body is still very weak," Tatsuma replied. After speaking, he accelerated his pace. Hyuga Miyako remained silent for a while before saying, "Tell Tsunade that Chiyo is a decoy. Her conspicuous appearance is for..."

Hyuga Miyako seemed to have his throat choked, made a few attempts to adjust his breathing, and said, "It's to divert our attention. The Third Kazekage has come secretly."

Upon hearing this, Tatsuma exclaimed, "Hidden Sand Village has deployed the Kazekage?!"

The Kage of a Village represents not only a high-level combat force but also a symbol of an entire village. Once a Kage joins the battle, it's either an all-out conflict or a desperate situation.

However, it seemed that Hidden Sand Village hadn't reached that point yet. The deployment of the Kazekage at this moment undoubtedly violated the unwritten agreement.

After all, the current friction between the two major nations was only due to the killing of Chiyo's son and daughter-in-law. The current outbreak could be described as a battle, not yet a full-scale war. The Kazekage shouldn't have acted at this time.

Hyuga Miyako nodded and said, "That's why this assassination attempt is so serious."

Tatsuma realized that with the speed of the Hyuga team and the messages they received, they simply didn't have the time to do anything specific against the Hidden Sand Village's camp.

It's highly likely that once they approach the Hidden Sand Village camp, they'll be discovered and face retaliation. The Kazekage, who is violating the rules, definitely won't let the Hyuga team escape.

This also explains why the Hyuga team lost so quickly and why the six ninja brought by Tatsuma were defeated in such a short time. Only a Kage has the strength to achieve that.

"Cough, cough~ Don't run away. Help me. I can't destroy my eyes anymore."

Hyuga Miyako suddenly coughed up a large amount of blood. However, Tatsuma, upon hearing his words, continued to run without paying any attention. Hyuga Miyako struggled to breathe and spoke again:

"The eyes of the main family's main branch cannot be leaked, and we can't all escape. You still have a chance."

"Regardless of which sensei it is, none of them taught me to harm my comrades!"

Tatsuma embraced the steadily weakning Hyuga Miyako, channeling all his chakra into activating his legs. However, Tatsuma knew that at this speed, once there was no one to hinder him, the Kazekage would soon catch up.

"Enough! As a Sensory Ninja, my failure to detect this was a severe dereliction of duty. I've condemned so many of my people and comrades. I don't deserve to live! If you're truly a genius, you should know that killing me would be good for you, for me, and for the village."

Listening to Hyuga Miyako's words, Tatsuma clenched his teeth, refusing to speak again. However, the sounds of the battle behind them were getting closer, and at a certain moment, they abruptly stopped.

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