Chapter 178: Hiruzen's Rewards

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"Hokage-sama, these are the notes from the recent meeting. Please have a look," Tatsuma said as he handed over the notes from the meeting he and Minato attended.

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded with a smile as he accepted them and said, "Please, have a seat."

Tatsuma was taken aback. It seemed like the first time Sarutobi Hiruzen had ever allowed him to sit in the Hokage's office. Getting a seat in the Hokage's office wasn't an easy feat.

Even during their debriefings with Jiraiya, Sarutobi Hiruzen never allowed them to sit. Only Jiraiya and Tsunade dared to sit directly, while Orochimaru generally stood.

Even Sakumo Hatake stood during his debriefings.

Tatsuma nodded without hesitation and took a seat, without the same audacity as Jiraiya and Tsunade. He sat upright, much like Minato, who also appeared somewhat honored and nervous.

"You both did very well today," Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a smile after they had both taken their seats. Tatsuma knew what he was referring to and responded with a slightly shy smile, while Minato seemed somewhat uncomfortable, considering he was just there as a scribe.

Since today's Jonin meeting was exceptionally short, the notes were also brief. Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced through them before setting them aside and then looked at the two of them, asking with a smile, "How has your progress been with the Fire Dragon Bullet I assigned you earlier?"

Minato didn't answer; instead, he looked at Tatsuma, who nodded gently and replied, "We haven't disappointed your trust. I've reached the Novice level, and Minato has delved even deeper."

It wasn't false modesty on Tatsuma's part. He had spent most of his time studying Tobirama's notes, focusing on various Summoning techniques and, more importantly, Wind Release and Water Release Ninjutsu. As for the Fire Dragon Bullet Sarutobi Hiruzen had previously rewarded them with, Tatsuma had merely learned it and hadn't continued to explore it further. Although, given his proficiency in Fire Release Ninjutsu, he couldn't be considered a true Novice.

However, compared to other Ninjutsu he mastered, the Fire Dragon Bullet was indeed one of the least skilled.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't mind and continued, "Learning it is good. If you can't master the Fire Dragon Bullet, then you won't find the key to learning the Fire Dragon Flame Bullet."

Upon hearing this, Tatsuma's eyes widened slightly. It seemed like the leader was about to give them a reward.

Sure enough, Sarutobi Hiruzen got up, browsed through the nearby bookshelf, and then selected a scroll. He handed it to Tatsuma, saying, "Take this and study it well. This is considered the Ultimate application of Fire Release within the Sarutobi Clan."

The Sarutobi Clan was already proficient in Fire Release, and they had a systematic set of Fire Release Ninjutsu within the clan. Apart from the Fire Dragon Bullet that Tatsuma and Minato had already learned, there was also the Great Flame Jutsu before it, and then the Fire Dragon Flame Bullet that Sarutobi Hiruzen held in his hands at the moment.

Unlike the Uchiha Clan, known for their vast Chakra reserves, the Sarutobi Clan's Fire Release focuses not on the extent of flame coverage but on precise manipulation of the technique. Even with the Fire Dragon Flame Bullet, the damage radius isn't too large, but the temperature of the flames and the control over the technique surpasses that of the Uchiha Clan's Great Flame series Ninjutsu.

Of course, this judgment is made under equal casting conditions. If compared between Uchiha Madara and Sarutobi Hiruzen, Uchiha Madara's Great Flame series Ninjutsu not only possesses greater power but also comparable control.

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