Chapter 156: Talent Can Grow In Hardship, But Hardship Does Not Create Talent.

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Seeing Orochimaru bringing out Uzumaki Mito, Rima and Shima, though still wearing displeased expressions, no longer said anything. Their identities and positions were there, and they had no choice but to comply.

In fact, they had to be the ones in the village most obedient to Uzumaki Mito's opinions because the blood flowing in their veins destined them to follow the advice of Uzumaki Mito, the wife of Senju Hashirama, and even had to vigorously support it.

Danzo's face was also full of gloom at this time because he dared not refute Orochimaru. There was only one person in the village whom he dared not touch. If it were anyone else...

Even Sarutobi Hiruzen's wife, Sarutobi Biwako, when it came time for real combat, Danzo wouldn't give his old friend face, but Uzumaki Mito was an exception.

If he dared to oppose, perhaps Shima and Rima, who still held significant influence among the dispersed Senju Clan, would immediately turn against him and ignore the unanimous decision they had reached before.

"Since that's the case, then you all should go back to Tsunade's side. The victory on this battlefield will be 'enjoyed' by us few," Danzo said.

Orochimaru softened his previous tough stance and said with a slightly cryptic tone.

"Congratulations in advance to all of you. However, there are some things I'd like to advise in advance. It's good to strive for victory, but if as a result, some individuals who shouldn't be on the battlefield end up there, when the village investigates later, it won't be easy for any of you to escape responsibility."

Orochimaru's indication, of course, referred to those Ninja Academy graduates who had recently arrived at the camp. Although these graduates were already Genin and theoretically could be deployed to the battlefield, this group of Genin was quite special. After graduation, they were not assigned to Ninja teams, which meant their practical combat abilities on the battlefield were not strong. After all, much of what they learned in school was outdated and too 'upright'.

Without experienced Ninja leading them and teaching them newer, perhaps more unscrupulous methods, the knowledge base of Ninja Academy students was completely inadequate to deal with enemies.

In the eyes of Danzo and his Combat Faction, these issues were not problems at all, because they might firmly believe in a viewpoint that wasn't entirely correct: that talent would continuously emerge from the mud.

For the sake of victory in war, they were willing to send batches of children into the mire, allowing them to struggle and then singling out the one plant untainted by the mud for praise and widespread promotion.

They became another classic example in their "Law of Growth". As for those who sank into the mud, were buried, or even rotted away, they didn't care.

Considering Danzo's character, he was undoubtedly the one who would throw those children into the mud. To be honest, Orochimaru didn't care much about the lives of those children either.

But he knew that if Danzo did so, and if any accidents occurred, it would be his sensei who would face criticism. If those children died on the battlefield, his sensei's reputation among civilians and status within the ninja community would undoubtedly plummet by more than one level.

Orochimaru didn't want Danzo's power-hungry actions to ultimately be paid for by his sensei, so he brought up this topic directly. The people in the tent would serve as evidence later to reduce his sensei's responsibility. Danzo had a deep understanding of these political maneuvers, so he instantly grasped Orochimaru's intention. He just grunted and remained silent.

At this point, whatever he said wouldn't be good. If he insisted on sending those children to the battlefield, tomorrow Sarutobi Hiruzen would receive requests from various ninja clans to replace the frontline commanders. If he claimed he wouldn't allow those children on the battlefield, they were still ninjas; if they didn't fight on the front lines, should they just sit in the rear and eat? Therefore, he could only remain silent. He would temporarily refrain from deploying those graduates, but if the battlefield required them, as a final decision, he would not hesitate to send them.

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