Chapter 31: Pondering Early Graduation

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"This is quite peculiar. Rice is going for 25 ryo per half a kilo. Luckily, the vegetable prices haven't skyrocketed; otherwise, we'd be tightening our belts when it comes to food expenses."

In the midst of summer break, Minato, now a tad taller, lugged two bags of rice with a hint of concern on his face. Tatsuma, by his side, nodded in understanding. A number of others in their vicinity seemed to share the sentiment, having also amassed a stash of provisions.

This unexpected announcement from the rice merchant, explaining the irregular adjustment of grain prices due to rising logistics costs, had cast a shadow of uncertainty. Furthermore, judging from the prevailing trend, the prices were unlikely to drop in the short term and might even continue their upward trajectory.

When it came to vegetables, meat, poultry, and eggs, there was indeed a slight price hike, but it wasn't as pronounced as the increases seen in rice and flour. This discrepancy could be attributed to the ample supply of these items in both Konoha and its surrounding areas.

Tatsuma let out a sigh and remarked, "Jiraiya-sama and the others only returned once last year. It makes me wonder if the situation beyond the village is no longer as peaceful as it used to be."

Upon processing this information, Minato, who had harbored a faint premonition since two years ago, abruptly inquired, "Tatsuma, do you believe there's a looming war? Similar to the one over a decade ago?"

Minato was referencing what eventually became known as the First Great Ninja War. Tatsuma, devoid of his usual iconic smile today, nodded with sincerity and responded:

"War is inevitable. In truth, since the conclusion of the last major conflict, the ninja world has never truly enjoyed sustained peace. Sooner or later, a second war will sweep across the entire ninja realm, and perhaps even a third or beyond. Each war essentially serves as a continuation of the preceding one. Considering the current circumstances, it's evident that the tensions between villages and nations have escalated. It's plausible that, after some time, the onset of war is imminent."

While Tatsuma acknowledged the inevitability of a Second Great Ninja War and a Third Great Ninja War, having resolved to adopt a determined mindset to become a strong ninja beforethat happened, as the looming conflict approached, he found himself overwhelmed with anxiety.

He had not personally experienced war, and compared to Minato, his capacity to accept the reality of war was even lower..

Observing the weight on Tatsuma's countenance, Minato shook his head and remarked, "Perhaps we're letting our thoughts run wild? We haven't ventured beyond the village, so how can we truly grasp the realities of the ninja world? Jiraiya-sama and the others might return soon with news that war won't erupt after all."

Minato, as he spoke, appeared somewhat uncertain himself. Tatsuma chose not to dispute Minato's thoughts. Instead, he simply shrugged and remarked, "Alternatively, if the prices of meat, poultry, and eggs keep climbing, we might find ourselves resorting to fishing and foraging for vegetables."

The village subsidies, once ample, had become inadequate in the face of the soaring prices. Even for their recent significant purchases, they had to dip into their savings.

"I've heard there are training grounds with plenty of wildlife. Maybe we should go explore them," Minato suggested.

Nevertheless, Tatsuma shook his head and responded, "The animals placed in training grounds are specifically chosen to enhance ninja training, meaning they tend to be dangerous."

Putting aside whether they can effectively hunt, many of these creatures are omnivores, carnivores, or even scavengers, making them generally unsuitable for consumption."

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