Chapter 44: Darkness of The Ninja World

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Two days had elapsed when a trio of individuals finally reached the outskirts of Hakusen village. Although the hot springs in the Land of Fire couldn't compete with the fame of those in the Land of Hot Water, Hakusen's underground waters remained a hidden gem, not widely recognized across the Land of Fire.

Despite its relatively lower profile, Hakusen village drew visitors from nearby settlements eager to immerse themselves in the soothing hot springs. Some sought not only relaxation but also a taste of the local traditions and industries that added unique charm to this quaint village.

The trio came to a halt approximately five miles outside the village. Tatsuma and Minato intended to delve into their next course of action when they realized that Jiraiya had vanished. In the distance, on the road leading to Hakusen village, a swaggering, middle-aged man with a lecherous smile made his way forward.

Despite the stark dissimilarity to Jiraiya's appearance, the two companions, having spent two days together, were unequivocally convinced that this man was none other than Jiraiya!

Grumbling about their less-than-ideal encounter with their team leader Jonin, Tatsuma and Minato found themselves with no alternative but to proceed with their strategic discussion. The outcome of their deliberation proved to be rather straightforward.

Initiate with an external reconnaissance, proceed to infiltration for intelligence gathering, and culminate with decisive action. However, given the inaugural nature of their collaborative mission, a collective decision was made to exercise caution at every stage.

Following a concise deliberation, the duo embarked on a reconnaissance mission outside the village. Initially, everything appeared unremarkable, but as the evening shadows crept in, they hesitated upon reaching a cemetery on the outskirts.

Sensing an anomaly not far off, both swiftly masked their presence and advanced toward the commotion to discreetly observe.

Behind a tombstone, a group of ronin wielding knives had apprehended a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy. His hands and feet were tightly bound, a gag silenced his cries, and he sobbed incessantly. The surrounding ronin reveled in hearty laughter.

"I thought it was some ninja attempting to assassinate Boss Nasu. Turns out, it's you, Murata Yue, you little brat. What's this? Did your sister's milk make you grow a backbone recently? Ahahaha!"

Upon hearing the ronin audaciously mention his sister, Murata Yue, who had been sobbing, felt a surge of rage. Disregarding his restraints, he lunged towards the ronin.


However, what awaited him was a knife thrust into his shoulder. Murata Yue instantly crumpled to the ground, curled up, and twitching sporadically.

Not far away, Minato, witnessing the grim scene, swiftly drew a kunai from his hand. Yet, Tatsuma restrained him with a firm grip. Perplexed and anxious, Minato looked at Tatsuma, who was now gritting his teeth, and said, "There's no saving him. Don't do anything unnecessary."


Minato's confusion deepened. Observing Murata Yue, he noted that the frequency of his convulsions was gradually diminishing. The nearby ronin, oblivious to the severity, continued their assault, causing Murata Yue to roll over repeatedly.

However, Murata Yue's blood was swiftly pooling, staining his upper garment a deep red. It dawned on Minato – Murata Yue had been struck in the artery by that earlier knife. Given their lack of knowledge in Medical Ninjutsu, even immediate intervention wouldn't have spared him.

"He's dead? How did he die so quickly?"

At that moment, the ronin also discerned that something was amiss with Murata Yue. One of them bent down to inspect Murata Yue's condition. After a while, he shakily turned to the ronin who had inflicted the fatal wound and stated:

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