Chapter 109: The Stains On A Bright Surface Can't Be Hidden

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"We've only been out for a short time? We haven't even been to the front lines, and they want us to go back?"

Inside a tent, a young Uchiha ninja expressed his dissatisfaction to Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Yashiro. The others also wore faces of similar indignation.

The village not allowing a large number of Uchiha ninjas on the battlefield was already a kind of invisible discrimination. Their clan leader had finally fought for these few slots, and after only three months on the battlefield, they were being asked to return. What kind of situation was this?

Uchiha Fugaku was also somewhat displeased, but he could only say, "This decision is not only the village's but also my father's decision."

Clearly, Fugaku himself did not agree with the decision to retreat this time. However, as the acting clan leader, he had to follow his father's opinion and uphold his father's authority.

"The village is really too much, and the clan leader is too weak!"

At this moment, another dissatisfied Uchiha spoke up. Upon hearing fellow clan members daring to criticize his father, Fugaku could no longer stay seated. He stood up, ready to argue, but at that moment, a voice came from outside the tent.

"Fugaku Senpai! Fugaku Senpai!"

Upon hearing that somewhat hoarse voice with a hint of speaking too much, Fugaku immediately knew who it was.

The impression of Tatsuma on these Uchiha members was still quite positive. After all, Tatsuma never showed hostility towards the Uchiha clan for no reason, and he even praised and acknowledged them on occasion.

Therefore, when Tatsuma arrived, even the two Uchiha ninjas who had just spoken tried to restrain their discontent, sitting quietly to the side with gloomy expressions.

Uchiha Fugaku took a deep breath, suppressing the emotions that had just surfaced, and said to the person outside the tent, "Tatsuma, right? Come in."

Tatsuma, carrying a slightly deflated large backpack, opened the tent flap and walked in. He greeted Fugaku, Yashiro, and the others before expressing his confusion, "We're about to return to the village. Haven't you all finished packing yet?"


Upon hearing Tatsuma bring up this topic, although reluctant to get angry at the young one, one or two Uchiha ninjas couldn't help but emit dissatisfied snorts.

Tatsuma knew what would happen here. After all, he came with Orochimaru's mission to persuade the Uchiha team to cooperate in returning to the village for a debrief. This might be challenging for other ninjas in the village, considering the inherent tension between the Uchiha clan and the rest. However, Tatsuma was different. Over the past three months, he had managed to build waves of goodwill among the Uchiha.

During this time, Tatsuma also learned the art of conversing with the Uchiha. Pretending not to know their thoughts, he spoke, "Sensei said that if you all want to stay and report, she can negotiate with the new commander for you."

Upon hearing that there might be a turning point, these Uchiha ninjas immediately focused their attention on Tatsuma. Yashiro, somewhat excited, asked, "Really?"

Tatsuma nodded and continued, "Although sensei mentioned that the new commander, Shimura Danzo-sama, has a bad temper, if it's for the village, Danzo-sama will surely understand."

Upon hearing this, the curiosity and excitement on the faces of the Uchiha instantly vanished, replaced by expressions of disdain and disgust.

In the village, most people didn't particularly like the Uchiha, that was a fact. However, making it explicit and targeting the Uchiha directly was not a common stance. The representative figure in this regard was Shimura Danzo. As a disciple inheriting the will of the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, Shimura Danzo's aversion towards the Uchiha was unparalleled.

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