Chapter 147: Tatsuma's Smile

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Upon hearing the news that all the patients were cured, Tatsuma breathed a sigh of relief. He realized how crazy his actions were yesterday, only after the surgery ended.

He had overestimated his ability to process information. While Divine Mind made his thinking very fast, it only enhanced the efficiency of processing information. Yesterday was like multitasking.

Tsunade's Network Healing Jutsu, although also a widespread use of Medical Ninjutsu on a large scale of casualties simultaneously, and even the technique imbued on Katsuyu was even more difficult, the Mystical Palm Jutsu.

However, the difficulty of the Mystical Palm Jutsu lies in producing Chakra that can quickly activate human cells. In other words, as long as the Chakra is produced, the subsequent work can be handed over to Katsuyu.

But Tatsuma's sudden idea yesterday was different from the Delicate Illness Extraction Jutsu, although the learning and casting difficulty of this technique were lower, it required the practitioner to maintain meticulousness in the procedure. The ability to invade the body and extract Chakra carrying viruses and toxins was only secondary.

The Chakra is like surgical equipment in the operating room, still requiring the main surgeon, the medical ninja, to use these tools for meticulous surgery on the patients.

The difficulty of the entire technique lies not in the amount of Chakra, nor in summoning the beast Katsuyu or the Delicate Illness Extraction Jutsu, but in the divided attention of the practitioner, Tatsuma. His head is still pounding now.

"Sensei, when do we depart?"

Tatsuma didn't want to lie down anymore. He felt like his shoulders and back were locked up, although he had a severe headache. He wanted to move around a bit. He removed the IV needle from the back of his hand.

The wounds had already healed before they even had a chance to bleed, thanks to the effects of "Endless". As long as his body's energy was sufficient, many injuries could heal at an extremely fast pace.

Although he couldn't reach the level of absurdity like Tsunade, who would later unlock the Yin Seal and activate the Creation Rebirth: Strength of a Hundred Technique, or Senju Hashirama, who could heal without any seals, it still far exceeded that of ordinary people.

Tatsuma glanced at the empty IV bottles in the small wastebasket next to the hospital bed and knew that this wasn't his first infusion; his energy levels were almost replenished.

"Let's wait one more day. Orochimaru took Nawaki to the battlefield, and Minato took other Chunin to familiarize themselves with the inspection procedures. They should be back tonight."

Tsunade closed Tatsuma's notebook and shook it in her hand, saying, "I'll take your notes to study them first. I find your approach very interesting, and it can also be applied in a reverse manner."


Tatsuma had no complaints about Tsunade taking his notes. After all, Tsunade had given him her own notes as well as those of her grandfather. The contents of his notes were all taught by Tsunade, and he merely made adjustments.

"If one person can perform fifty surgeries alone, can fifty people perform one surgery together?"

Tsunade raised an eyebrow. Although Tatsuma had a headache, it didn't affect his sharp thinking. He instantly grasped the idea and said, "We can coordinate with the Regenerative Healing Jutsu, increase the number of practitioners, reduce the burden on each person, and share the risk."

Upon hearing Tatsuma's quick response, Tsunade nodded satisfactorily. She hadn't taught Tatsuma the Regenerative Healing Jutsu yet, as this technique required a lot of medical theoretical knowledge.

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