Chapter 43: Chakra Attributes and First Mission

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"Wind, fire, water, earth. Haha, kid, you're just like me."

Jiraiya tousled Tatsuma's head even more, then glanced at Minato Namikaze. At that moment, Minato Namikaze was also scrutinizing the test paper in his hand and remarked, "Wrinkle, tear, burn. I should have lightning, wind, and fire, right?"

"Yes, not bad. You're also a ninja with three attributes. Unfortunately, I can't offer you much guidance on Lightning Release. However, I've delved into wind and fire nature techniques quite extensively. Lightning Release will be your own journey of exploration in the future."

Jiraiya felt a bit helpless. Minato nodded, undeterred. After all, he hadn't delved into any nature techniques thus far, and contemplating mastering all three attributes seemed overly ambitious.

Jiraiya turned to the two and inquired

"Do you want to take a few days off, let me draft your training plan, and then integrate practice with your missions? Or are you planning to jump right into missions without a break?"

Usually for regular Genin who have just graduated, there's no need to create an elaborate training plan. Just take them for tree-climbing and water-walking exercises

However, Tatsuma and Minato had already mastered these fundamentals during their time at the Academy. Furthermore, their evaluations from two days ago were scrutinized through the Telescope Jutsu by Jiraiya and Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Hence, for these two prodigies, employing an off-the-shelf plan wouldn't suffice. Jiraiya's fervor for his inaugural set of students also prevented him from taking such a shortcut.

Conducting a direct examination of the Chakra attributes of the two, Jiraiya intended to customize their training based on the nuances of their Chakra characteristics. This required some preparation time.

After deliberation, Tatsuma and Minato then addressed Jiraiya, "Jiraiya-sensei, we're ready to embark on missions now."

Minato was eager for the ninja life, while Tatsuma, based on his understanding, knew that freshly graduated Genin typically had to tackle several D-rank missions like weeding and finding lost cats.

"Instead of waiting, it's better to knock out these missions first and then delve into training and take on higher-level tasks," Tatsuma suggested.

Jiraiya nodded and remarked, "I anticipated your choices, so I've already selected a suitable mission for you."

"What mission?" Minato asked eagerly. Jiraiya unfurled a scroll and replied, "It's a C-rank mission: apprehend a C-rank rogue ninja from the Waterfall Hidden Village and dismantle the influence they've established in the Land of Fire."

Upon hearing this, Minato's eyes sparked with anticipation, while Tatsuma was somewhat taken aback. He hadn't anticipated starting with a C-rank mission. Observing Tatsuma's reaction, Jiraiya laughed heartily and commented, "Tatsuma, you little rascal, didn't see that coming, huh?

Sarutobi-sensei initially had reservations, but considering the talents you two possess, engaging in D-rank missions would be a total waste of time. This mission is just right; the target is only a Chunin. Despite establishing their influence in the Land of Fire after defection, it's nothing more than a few ronin and thugs."

"And I'll accompany you on this mission. However, unless you run into danger, I won't offer any assistance. Of course, considering the nature of this low-level mission, I'll have to question your abilities if you do encounter danger."

Jiraiya spoke with a teasing tone as if attempting to ignite their emotions. However, neither of the two reacted, which left Jiraiya feeling a bit unenthused. Nonchalantly, he inquired, "Are you up for it?"

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